October Tahitians

tahitians2.jpgI received my Tahitians from PP's Tahitian sale. They weren't exactly what I was looking for but they're very pretty so, yep, I'm keeping them! They're not photographing very well, but they've got pretty peacock colors of pink and green. For some reason, on the neck they're reading as blue.
Those are stunning overtones. Congratulations on your beautiful necklace.
Parrot Lady, that is a very pretty, and unusual colored Tahitian strand ... Red is right ... stunning overtones!
Thank you! It's darker, in real life, but does have pretty overtones. Can't have too many Tahitians, right?
Parrot lady your strand is beautiful. Its extremely hard to photograph tahitians i always make them look a dull black shade when i can IRL see overtones. You captured the picture very well too. Congrats on such a pretty strand.
Those T's are very pretty. I never judge T's anymore unless I see them next to skin. They always completely change color next to skin. And they always look prettier. If yours read blue next to your skin, I'm totally jealous.
My new Tahitians aren't as light as they appear in the photo, sadly, since that's what I was looking for, but I think they're different enough from my other strands to keep. First neck shot, I hope, is of the new PP strand. Second shot is of a blue/green strand I knotted from pearls bought from Wen, and third photo is of the two side-by-side. Much sharper luster on the PP pearls.

Oh, dear, reverse that order. First shot of the two together, second ahot of the PP pearls, and third of the Wen pearls.


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Nice pearls, Parrot Lady! I've bought some button/ringed tahitians from Wen, the were beautiful for the price. But I've never bought a full strand from PP, I'm sure once I see the quality I won't want anything else! So many bills due during the annual sale though :(
Nice strand Parrot Lady. I think they look beautiful on you! In fact, both strands are beautiful.
I have a strand of 8-11mm green Tahitians coming from David Norman. I hope to have them by Monday or Tuesday!
Do show a photo of your strand!

Sure! These were my "September Tahitians." I've been buying up loose strands and pearls, in retrospect I should have saved my money for one larger purchase when these October sales started up. But I'm having fun trying out all the types of pearls, and there's always next year! Here's a pic, I'll probably start a thread for them. I've really enjoyed shopping with Wen.
Wen strand 4.jpg
Wow. Everyone's Tahitian pearls are beautiful and it's a joy to see such variety in hue and intensity of color.
I also have a thing for the lighter silvery colors, although the darker green pearls look best against my skin.
Living vicariously is one of the best things about Pearl Guide! :)