October Tahitians

Thanks Pattye and PD! And I agree GemGeek, this is a fabulous way to 'share' pearls in a way. I'm really curious what everyone is getting this month. There was a really pretty tahitian necklace, baroque dark body with cherry/peacock. I hope someone on here bought it!
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Hi everyone =) A strand from Cees is on its way , stay tuned. Will share pics should be here the latest Friday.
I got this strand. It has beautiful peacock color:

Thank you everyone for the compliments on my new strand. :)

It is not often that Tahitian's look good in the black box but these did. I'll post some neck shots in a few days if we get good light.

CBPearllover, yes these are from the PP Tahitian special.
I have another strand that I'm "on the fence" about keeping. It is dark pearls described as cool tones of blue, violet, green and eggplant:



IMG_6902 (2).jpg
I have to admit I like the other strand a lot more-- the shapes and overtones.

IMO if you are not in love with it, send it back. That would also leave you with more pearl-buying $$ for the next time you spot pearls you love. :rolleyes:
I actually like the overtones of the other strand. I agree with PD that if you don't love it, send it back. Speaking for myself, I have found that if I don't love it, I don't wear it.
I'm going to third this. I like the first strand better, both the shapes and the color, and the shine. The second strand is kinda blah compared to the first strand.
Annie, if I hadn't seen the first strand, I would have liked your second strand better. The first one had amazing color and luster with a lot of interesting shapes. Hard to beat the combo.