What are your favourite clasps?

Hi Rokor, great thread

For me, functionality of a clasp is very important. For instance I have a vintage brass filigree clasp, oh boy the click of the tongue as it is inserted mmmm! It puts many modern clasps to shame.
The humble round bolt ring has been in use for hundreds of years, and still in use today ( all time favorite with me).

I have had made by my jeweller, a rose gold with garnet cabochon clasp, a solid opal and diamond clasp, both of these I dissect as I enjoy these on
different strands. I have a lot more favourites for different reasons :-) and then their are the clasps that I can no longer source, that I can’t part with.

BUT this clasp really is up there as a favourite. I acquired this when I first started my business of stringing, I often look at the clasp in both design and the functionality of the tongue ( not like the usual one). I have kept the clasp in it’s original "as-worn" condition rather than reconditioning it, so that it keeps its story instead of becoming a shiny relic of the past.
I was pleasantly surprised to see the very same clasp in Anna Tabakhova’s Book.

I gave Anna’s book a rating of ten out of ten.
I often use the book as a reference, more often than not I just love to sift through the pages and ogle the clasps.
It is really terrific to have a comprehensive book on clasps that is well researched & written.
Hi Friends, thank you for quoting clasps, I love to read about clasps, of course. I will answer to 2 questions :

1- what is your favourite clasps : mine are antique Egyptians, they used 4 types of clasps and invented 2 : the box-shaped and the tongue in groove clasp
2 - is there a review of the book ? Yes you can read it here : https://www.editions-terracol.com/en/content/9-in-the-media
One is in "Jewellery History Today in London", the other in "Metalsmith Tech N° 39 in USA".

And here is what readers said : https://www.editions-terracol.com/en/content/8-readers-said
I like to quote The Victoria and Albert Museum in London : "it’s a triumph. Many congratulations!"
and the National Gallery of Art in Washington : " truly spectacular".

But so far, no one on the forum wrote a review, time to do it ?

This book brought me incredible happiness, I went twice to USA for lectures, West coast and East coast.
PG friend Sheri J. "la Corsetiere" made the translation and she did it wonderfully...

Yes that clasp "signs" the pearl necklace more than any other piece of jewelry.

PS: why not taking a moment to re-read again my old pearl story quiz ...
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Wow Ana! I revisited the old thread...to see Caitlin there (she is still very much alive when I read her messages) and to revive the "treasure hunt" you had us running...LOVED IT! (yet again!)
And it is good to see you back here on the forum and sharing your passion and expertise with us all :D
Waving Hi Anna! So nice to see you here :) Your book on clasps is one of my prize treasures, and I love to browse through; so so well done!
Anna's book is wonderful. Incredible research and history and of course lots of eye candy. Thank you Anna! And thank you Sheri for the translation!
I should try to read up what I can from the book, it's a shame I'm only just finding out about it now. It really seems excellent from what I've been reading so far!

I recently acquired another necklace with a clasp I thought I would share. It's done in yellow gold and jade and I was just 10 seconds shy of grabbing another similar one that was slightly larger.

Next week I will be seeing a jeweler about placing untreated Myanmar "pigeon blood" rubies into my Sea Magic clasp. That or we will explore the option of Jedi Spinel, either should compliment the yellow gold magnificently and would be a great honour to own. I will definitely update as that project unfolds!
Please do so Rokor...in a different planet I would have been chosen as a Jedi apprentice, so I am looking forward to see that Jedi Spinel (I know nothing about spinels...so time to hit Wikipedia!). That jade clasp is very nice, love that creamy green color.
Wow, what a nice thread!
I have many clasps, I am always on a lookout for something unique and it is not a very easy find these days!
Here is one - on my SoC baroque strand... 14K WG/diam, old cut.

SoC baroque strand

I will need to dig through my photos to find more pix of more or less unique and interesting clasps.
But my favorite go to is this simple 14K YG one. Too bad Riogrande.com carries it only in this color and carat. I wouldn't mind it in white gold as well.

 my favorite go to is this simple 14K YG one


Edison strand
I have Anna's book too! A proud addition to my jewelry/pearl books collection!
I got one copy for my Russian friend as well, I was lucky to find it, as they are all sold out!
Masik, thanks for posting that Rio Grande clasp; I like that one, and missed it ... off to look it up at Rio!
These are beautiful pieces Masik! Thank you for sharing them with us...specially the SoCs! Nice to see my babies! :D
These are my favorite clasps.
One of them (the bottom one) is from Claspgarten, it's a German brand more popular amongst beaders than higher end jewelry stores.
These are very nice, love the bottom one for its ability to hold several strands...these are hard to find!
LOVE that you attached those 3 strands to that sparkly clasp with more lobster claw clasps, Pareltje!
Douglas, I tweaked the bottom clasp a little bit to suit my design :p.

That did explain it. I have been looking for clasps like that one (the feature) and I rarely -if ever- found one. This explains it clearly :cool:
And I love what you did with the lobster claws! It is very convenient! You sure know a lot of handy tricks.
I have a project in my mind. I'd like to string 3 strands of tiny pearls and finish each of the 3 with the lobster clasps on both ends. I can repurpose one of them by attaching it to my mask as a "holder" so that I always remember to put on my mask when I go shopping, to the physiotherapist, etc (oh the joy of Covid! Mask is obligatory here and adding pearls in an excuse to wear them in a different style).
O dear Lord! Yes...things have surely changed with COVID and masks...but no reason not to try and make them look more fashionable! Been thinking of adding pearls to mine...but I am constantly losing them!