Pearl Guide

Pearl Luster

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Pearl Luster Defined
Pearl Luster (also spelled Lustre) is the measurement of the quality and quantity of light that reflects from the surface and just under the surface of a pearl. The word comes from the Latin Lux which translates into "Light".

Pearl Luster is the Unique Shine that give Pearls their Beauty
Luster is the quality or quantity of brilliance of the surface of the pearl. The more lustrous the pearl, the more it shines and reflects light and images. In general, saltwater pearls...

Grading Pearls

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Pearl Grading Defined
Pearl Grading is the practice of assigning degrees of quality to a pearl or a piece of pearl jewelry based of the quality attributes designated by industry best practices and authority groups such as PSLJ (Pearl Science Laboratory of Japan), SSEF (Swiss Gemological Institute), GIA (Gemological Institute of America) and EGL USA.

There Is No Industry-Wide Standard Pearl Grading System
The single most important thing to understand about pearl grading is that no...

The Pearl Necklace

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The Pearl Necklace Comes in Many Sizes and Colors

The "classic" piece of pearl jewelry is, of course, the pearl necklace. Akoya pearls are the most traditional type of pearl used in necklaces, but freshwater pearls, Black Tahitian pearls, and large South Sea pearls are also used, often to stunning effect. Akoyas, of course, exhibit the traditional white, silver, or cream colors, while Tahitians and South Sea pearls yield pearl necklaces ranging from bright white to darker tones. Freshwater...

Caring for Your Pearls

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Pearl Care
Pearls are the world's only organic gem and are composed mainly of calcium carbonate. This means special attention is required to ensure pearls will stay beautiful and last a lifetime.

Pearls Require Special Care

Because pearls are an organic gemstone, they are different from other gemstones and precious metals.
They are softer and more delicate, and they can therefore be more easily scratched, cracked, and damaged.
In addition, substances such as perfume and hair spray -and...


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Pearl Nacre Defined
Nacre, also known as mother-of-pearl, is a crystalline substance that creates the iridescent visual effect attributed to pearls.

Nacre is an organic substance secreted by mollusks to produce their shells. It may be used to protect the animal against an intruder (the so called "irritant") or an implanted nucleus in pearl farming.
It is a strong and resilient material that is lightweight, reflective and translucent, allowing light to pass through its surface as well as...

Imitation Pearls - Faux Perles

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Imitation Pearls Defined
Imitation pearls are products elaborated to simulate the appearance of cultured or natural pearls, but do not possess same natural chemical composition or physical properties nor origin (a living organism) of cultured or natural pearls.

A group of Artificial/Imitation/Faux Pearls.

Imitation pearls are man-made or man-worked or faux perles, as they are known in the jewelry trade.

Imitation Pearls are Manufactured in Factories

Imitation pearls are artificial...

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