Pearl Guide

Pinctada chemnitzii

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Pinctada chemnitzii (Phillippi, 1849)

Distinguishing Characteristics
P. chemnitzii is often confused with the "Akoya Complex" or Pinctada imbricata species.

Ecology and Habitat
P. chemnitzii is found on the Northern coast of Australia and in the South and East China Sea. It is also native to the Japanese owned Ryukyu Islands.

P. chemnitzii in Pearls
For over forty years, P. chemnitzii has been used in China for pearl culture. The Japanese use this Chinese species for pearl culture as well...

Pinctada capensis

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Pinctada capensis (Sowerby, 1872)

Distinguishing Characteristics
The shells of P. capensis look remarkably similar to Pteria shells. They have a longer shape that is slightly deformed. When both halves are open, the silhouette of the shell resembles a "C" shape. The luster of the inner shell is dull, making the nacre appear milky white. Sometimes a yellowish grey/bluish tint is possible. Shells can measure up to 10 cm in length.

Ecology and Habitat
P. capensis is only found on the coast...

Pinctada albina

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Pinctada albina (Lamarck, 1819)

Distinguishing Characteristics

P. albina is known as the smaller Australian Oyster. In the 1960's, studies revealed that there were local differences between the color and size of the shell. Because the differences were determined to be geographical discontinuities, the species was divided into two subspecies: P. albina albina (Lamarck) and P. a. sugillata (Reeve), which represent the western and eastern subspecies.
The species is small, only three to four...

Natural Pearls

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Natural Pearls Defined
Natural pearls are calcium carbonate secretions which form within mollusks without human intervention.

Natural Pearls Accidents of Nature
Natural pearls are formed randomly and really are simple accidents of nature. When a certain type of irritant, such as a parasite, becomes lodged in the tissue of a mollusk, the animal responds by secreting a calcium carbonate substance called nacre to coat the intruder and protect the mollusk. Over a period of several years, this...

Melo Melo Pearls

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Melo Melo Pearls Defined
A melo melo pearl is a non-nacreous, natural calcareous concretion produced by the marine volute gastropod melo melo.

Melo melo shell (from Wikipedia)

Melo Melo Pearls are Non-nacreous or "Porcelaneous Pearls"
The melo melo "pearl" does not come from an oyster or mussel, but comes instead from the "melo melo" marine snail, which is found in the waters of the South China Sea, as far south and west to Singapore and Andaman Sea. Like conch pearls, the melo melo gem is...

Conch Pearls

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Conch Pearls Defined
A Conch Pearl is a non-nacreous, porcelaneous pearl produced by the "Queen Conch" (Lobatus=Strombus gigas). "Conch pearls" -also known as "jellybeans" in the trade- often exhibit a unique flame-like pattern due to their concentrically arranged calcium carbonate platelets, arranged in a lamellar fashion. This beautiful optical effect is much harder to say and understand than to admire: the pearls seem to have "tongues of fire" within their interior.

A closeup of a Conch...

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