Pearl Guide

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The Latest Pearl News of the Pearl World makes breaking news of the industry available as it happens without a hint of subtlety. Only articles with sincere value and of great interest to the pearl community will be found here.

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New Bi-Monthly Column: The Sustainability Corner
The Winners! The CPAA's 10th Annual International Pearl Design Competition (IPDC)
A review: The History of Pearls in the Gulf of California, Mexico -...

Pearl World - The Publication

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Pearl World Journal
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Pearl World Journal

Devoted to covering the pearl industry, Pearl World: The International Pearling Journal is the only English language publication of its kind. For 17 years the journal has covered every aspect of the pearling industry, from harvests, production, auctions, wholesaling, and education to retail designing end consumer marketing.

The Publication

The journal is published solely for those interested in pearls, worldwide...

Pearl History Timeline - Part 2

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The Romans acquired their taste for pearls from the Greeks, and for some centuries rivaled or overtook India as the world's biggest pearl depository.
There was such competition for pearls in Rome that laws were made that only the elite could wear them. Statues of the goddesses especially Venus wore only the absolute best, largest, and most perfectly matched pearl earrings, in their marble pierced ears. Mortals got to fight over the rest. Large, perfectly matched pairs of pearls were...

Famous Pearls - Part 2

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More Famous Pearls from History

This short list of some of the world's most famous naturals pearls is a continuation from page one.

Charles I Pearl

A famous pearl, now lost, destroyed, or hidden away by a discreet collector, was that of King Charles I. Artist Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) painted several portraits of the king, many of which show a large drop pearl hanging from his left ear. In the portrait, Charles I, King of England, from Three Angles, 1636, which is now on display at the...

Glossary of Pearl Terms E

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Edison Pearls: Large beaded freshwater pearls grown in the mollusk gonad in lieu of the mantle. See also Ming Pearls.

EDXRF: Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence is a spectrometric method of determining chemical composition. It is used to differentiate cultured and natural pearls.

Egg shape: Oval shaped pearls.

EGL: European Gemological Laboratory.

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