You Know You're a Pearlie When...

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
I recently had a friend over and her little girl asked to see my pearls. So I dragged them all out, and my friend's eyes widened as if in shock or horror. (Well, we all know that deep down it most certainly must have been pearl envy, but anyway...) :p

I remembered that today when I was trying to plan out an outfit for going out on the town. I wanted to wear some black pearls so I got them all out.

You know you're a pearlie when you see that spread of black pearls and your first thought is "I really need a pendant."

*Strands- 48 inch 8-9mm endless rope, dyed black freshies; 18 inch 10-11mm (or so) dyed black freshies; 18 inch 10-12mm (or so) baroque Tahitians.
*Double bracelet- 8-9mm dyed black freshies.
*Rings- 14-15mm (or so) Tahitian; 18.5mm dyed black Edison pearl with white mother of pearl.
*Earrings- 12mm (or so) gray Tahitian studs. 12mm (or so) black Tahitians studs. 12mm (or so) black Tahitian dangles in PP blossom setting.
*Pendant- See what I'm saying?

When do you know you're a pearlie?


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You know you're a pearlie when you forget what you have and then go and buy a similar/duplicate in your forgetfulness...
at least the stones are different... :D
You know you're a pearlie when your husband starts planning for a "pearl room" in your future house.
I agree, that you know you're a pearlie when you rebuy or consider rebuying something you already have.

I have to keep stopping myself, and say, "BUT I already have a strand of those."
You know you are a pearlie... when the 4 year old daughter draws a picture of you with big pearl earrings and pearl necklaces
You know you're a pearlie when ....

You look at your friend's photos and say to yourself "Self, I NEED one of those ... "
You look at your friend's flower earrings and say to yourself "Self, WHERE did she find those ... I NEED those ..."
When you look at new clothes to buy, your first thought is what pearls will these go with, and how many pearls can I wear with this .... LOL.
I knew I was a pearlie girl years ago when I counted my strands and the number was over fifty. Did a recount a few years later after I gave some away and hit 70. I was asked last summer by Jeremy "now how many Tahitian strands do you have?" 19? yep that's me and lately I have been taking all the important papers out of the safe to make room for more pearls ;)
And you know you are a pearl-lover when you buy a second safe, just for the Tahitians.

ETA: thanks GemGeek! Didn't realize that the term may be considered offensive...I've never heard it before, but have decided that Pearl Lover is the label I prefer.
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You know you're a pearl lover when jewelry store owners tell you that you know more about pearls than they do. :rolleyes:
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There may be those who think the term Pearlies is denigrating, so call themselves Pearlers.
You know you are a pearl-lover when your dear BF who knew nothing about pearls become very interested in the Pearl-Guide:
BF - “baby, you spend SO MUCH time on the PG, I want to join too so I can follow your posts!”
Me - “NO, you are NOT allowed to join”.
BF - “but…but… why not?”
Me - “you can join either when you come to the Ruckus with me, or when you start buying me pearls!” (yes, we are going to the Ruckus, and he will buy me pearls there, so he will become a member in August!).

You know you are a pearl-lover when your cat is already a pearl diva and will wear nothing but HG Ripples and WSSP. (I’ve created a little monster!)

You know you are a pearl-lover when your BF and your cat fight to model your WSSP strand while watching the Secret Life of Pearls together. (Gosh, sounds like my cat is already a pearl-lover and my BF is a pearl-lover in the works!).

Before I continue – B – if you are secretly reading the P-G without my sanction, QUIT YOUR BROWSER NOW!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise you are going to be in SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!

You know you are a pearl-lover when you hide your pearls in your purse as you head out the door and only put them on when you get to the office, otherwise the sheer amount of your pearls may (initially) scare your BF (he has since been acclimated, and understand my pearl collection will continue to grow, so I’m ok now lol). ;) ;) ;)
Pearlie is offensive? Is there a story behind that? Interesting.

You know you're a pearl lover when reading this thread makes you feel like you really need some new pearls right away.
You know you are a pearl lover when you sneak out of the house in the morning before putting on your pearls because you do not want your DH to ask if you are wearing a new strand of Tahitians (which it probably is).
Bwahhhahahha luvglitz sssooooo relieved to know I'm not the only one! ;)