Who's excited for the PP Monday?

i am!
my sister and mother need something lovely under the christmas tree.

(though judging by the number of exclamation points you just used, there might not be anything left for me to buy if you get there first :) :) )
I just bought the 60" multicolor from PO with the free variable tone pearl. I happened to be sitting at the computer when the message popped up. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, since I have a plethora of pearls sitting in my sales bag. :eek: I rationalized it since I have no FW rounds, so it may be disassembled. :o (sorry PO) I am very curious to see what I can rationalize on Mon.

Happy Turkey Day all you Americans!
I think I held back reasonably well with the exclamation points considering I was a bit sloshed from the Cava from thanksgiving. Anyway, I'll probably just cross my fingers and hope that I can sneak a peek at the sales page before my flight departs (10:15...)

aw, i am sorry you have to miss it. you always post such nice pics when you get a new treasure!
I'm not in the U.S.,Mervione, but apparently the day after thanksgiving is black Friday when a lot of people go Christmas shopping at the brick and mortar stores. On Monday they go shopping online, cyber Monday.
I'll be at work when the sale starts, but I'm sure there will be some goodies left for me by the time I can check a computer!

I don't have any Tahitians yet, so that's what I'll be eyeing!
Me! I haven't bought pearls in a while but I may have to get something this Monday :)
I am on holiday that day, and shall set my alarm clock to be by the laptop on time :D

Just need to make sure I get the time zone right :rolleyes: :D

DK :)
I think I'll actually buy the airport wireless so I can check this sale! Why 10am PP? Why not 8am? :( Could we have a Pearl Guide Sneak Peek?
WAIT! It's pacific time, right? I'm Eastern, so I'll get the email at 12:59pm? My second flight departs at 1pm. Seriously.
ooh, I hope they have my right email!!!!
How could it be possible not to be excited about PP's special sales? I just hope I have time to look. The hospital is hopping and we aren't supposed to use the computer for non-hospital biz. Like now.
It's not always possible to find a terminal on a busy weekday.
Well, gotta go home. Catch you all later. If I miss you on Monday have the best time!
Merry Christmas and like that...
Another post, I really must have missed something. How does everyone know that they actually will have a sale?

I guess Jeremy likes to look after his past customers ;)

Can't wait, I love a bargain, or two, or three ... :D


you should already have gotten an email from PP. The next one is due on Monday shortly before the start of the selling. Up to 56% discount.... Our time should be 21.00 when Pacific time shows 10 am in the US.. Good luck.
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