Who is going to the Hong Kong Trade in March 2017?

My guess is that a large percentage of those who read this will be there including me! I am in hall 1 -D23.
Me too JP! One day we need to organize a little PG group to tag along... haha that would be quite the nightmare for all the lovely vendors on this thread! ;)
We definitely need to target a March visit. June one would be awfully hot/humid, and Sept is probably still pretty hot.
I'm going! Total noob so terribly excited.

Still trying to put a shopping list together.
Oooh Icy, so exciting! And I just started following you on Instagram...you should put your link up too. And of course I cannot wait to stalk your blog!

Thank you. Will add instagram link in a bit. :)

Will try to blog n update instagram when I'm there. Thankfully Wordpress has a great app so it's not that hard to blog on phone/ipad. Hopefully no technical glitches. I'll add fb if I've time and figure out how to create a page (it took me a week to add the blog to my domain omg).
We definitely need to target a March visit. June one would be awfully hot/humid, and Sept is probably still pretty hot.

Yup that's one of the main reasons I took the plunge this time. Really hate the weather in June.
IcyJ I look forward to meeting you there. You may well put together a shopping list but the moment you step into the pearl hall the list will be forgotten. as you spot all sorts of must haves' Think small child large and well stocked sweetchop.
The weather forecast is good and Hong Kong is amazing at any time of year. You'll have a wonderful time, I'm sure
Icy I am now on your email list ;) I look forward to reading your posts! Have a wonderful time on this adventure!
Purr and Newberry: Thank you for following! Hope you don't mind if I sneak in some shots of nice scenery and food (assuming I get over my excitement to actually hunt down nice food, haha).

Purr: other than stocking up for my new store, one key objective is to look for a heirloom piece of jewellery as inspired by your mum. Am well and truly poisoned by her can you tell?

Pearlescence: any tips from you as a veteran is most appreciated. I remember you and Katbran saying that lists are important hence the thought to put together something.