Who is going to the Hong Kong Trade in March 2017?

Thank you. Will add instagram link in a bit. :)

Will try to blog n update instagram when I'm there. Thankfully Wordpress has a great app so it's not that hard to blog on phone/ipad. Hopefully no technical glitches. I'll add fb if I've time and figure out how to create a page (it took me a week to add the blog to my domain omg).

I am mad about Mad About Pearls and now following Icyjade!
The link in my signature seemed to have disappeared. Hopefully now reinstated. Yes. much better by the day although only three breaths in the pearl drilling room felt like it was going to have finished me off! In spite of the state of the art filtration!
I wish you a speedy recovery, Wendy. I saw your pictures on FB, love them. I wish I had been in the factory also.
I saw those too - I whipped out my calipers and snapped this big ss.jpg
Holy cow, those are door knockers. I can't actually see wearing those. The need to be on a beautiful jewelry cabinet as the door pulls.
This cute little SS fella was a bit smaller but did come home with me. I think he will find a home sitting on my computer with a blob of blutack.

Those pearls were insane. All of them were over 40 mm, and they were asking $35,000 per pearl!

Jeremy I'm curious about those pearls - are they left in the oyster for eeeeextra long for them to get this big (and if so approximately how many years), or are they freak of nature and some sort of mutation? Any insights?
I don't know. He looks like Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

But he does look like an Alphonse.

I just love naming pearls. I don't name my other jewelry, just the pearls.
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