What pearl piece do you wear the most?

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
Maybe we can help each other consider what pearl pieces we're most likely to best get our money out of. Not sure how it translates since lifestyles and personal preference differs, but who knows.

What is your "go to" pearl piece?

Ever since I got them a year or two ago, I wear these earrings more often than not, in the wintertime anyway, when most of my clothes are black or dark. They go with my usual casual style. Even when I don't wear any other jewelry, I never go out without my wedding rings and earrings. I have a lot of strands but most often just wear my plain 16-17 inch gold chain instead. In fact, I usually just keep my chain on all the time.

These are Tahitian drops from Pearl Paradise, Blossom collection. I think they're 10-11mm. These Tahitians are a little bit larger than my 10-11mm white metallic drops. Not sure if the Tahitians are really 11-12mm or just closer to 11mm with the whites being closer to 10mm. Anyway, if anyone is shopping, I can definitely say these Tahitian drops are at or near 11mm. And of course drops will be larger than rounds of the same mm size, since they're measured by width rather than length (the short side on these).

I just sent my white metallic drops to PP to have them switched to the Blossom setting for summertime, since I like that setting so much and most of my summer clothes are white or pastel. I also love how you can lay down or talk on the phone with wire earrings vs. posts, and they don't dig into your head. :

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P.S. Pearl Paradise site doesn't have the Blossom setting listed on their site right now but they're looking for another manufacturer. They may still have some that aren't listed on the site, though. I got the ones that are on the way (for my white metallic drops) by asking.

I also find I really like the one piece setting and the thicker gold wires. I feel like the thinner wires don't look "substantial" is the word I'd use. I usually wear little clear stopper plugs with them since they're French hooks. I don't think it's likely they'll work their way out of my ears but I don't want to take any chances since they're my favorite earrings. If this keeps up and they have more of them, I might end up getting them for golden SS drops and lavender drops, too. :)

P.S. In that last pic, I'm not sneering. That's just how my face looks, lol.
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I quit wearing my wedding ring after I outgrew it (cough cough). It's a solid gold tricolor band and cannot be made bigger without wrecking the design. I told darling hubby that I didn't marry the ring. I've had the diamond reset 4 times in different settings. As long as the man stays the same, he shouldn't care about the ring. I bought it myself anyway.

So, onto pearls. I have my summer jewelry and my winter jewelry. I live in Florida, so heat, humidity and sweat play a large part in what I want hanging around my neck. I tend to wear my pearls more in the winter, but I have some lighter weight pearl necklaces that I only wear in the summer, as they need a bare neck to really show. And I have heavier strands that just look better on sweaters.

I'm having a hard time picking a favorite. I tend to go on a tear and wear a certain necklace over and over, and then I'll rediscover another one and wear that all the time for a while.
I bought a pair of button-shaped white CFWP earring when I was in HK last year, about 11-12mm, and they sit nicely on my earlobes without making me look like a frog or chameleon. They are now my go-to earrings.

I have a white/silver SSP pearl pendant that is my go-to pendant when I am in the smart-casual mode.

DK :)
great thread! i reach for my silver grey tahitian studs a lot. And i intend to expand my stud collection with more colors.
I wear Tahitian studs almost every day, typically rotating through these pairs depending on my outfit.

Kamoka extreme green studs

Kamoka silver keshi clouds

Mismatched dark/light silver Ts

Psychedelic purple blue circled Ts

Apart from being Tahitians, what these pearls have in common is their size - they are all between 8 and 9mm, the most comfortable size for everyday wear (for me). I have larger Ts but don't wear them to work often - I fear accidentally banging my phone into them!

I also severely neglect my metallics, lavender studs and T drops. I am a Tahitian stud girl at heart!
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What an interesting thread! I too am in love with the Blossom setting, having both Tahitians and Baroque White Akoyas in that setting. I do hope PP can get someone else to make this setting ... Now as for other pearls, I love them all, but find I get stuck sometimes, wearing something over and over, neglecting my others! Lately I've been getting a lot of use from a simple Tahitian pendant from PP via our old friend Pkinnew, and quite unlike what I usually wear: a nice big 11mm-ish round Tahitian in a mysterious chocolate/light silvery sage color, with a baguette diamond at the top. I should know the name of that standard PP setting, but I don't. The long rope of Tahitian keshi I got before Christmas turned out to be very useful while traveling and very busy in January/February, tending to estate unpleasantries ... it goes with nearly everything, and is long enough to double too. In summer I get TONS of wear out of my 2 nested strands of baroque white akoyas ... alone for casual, together for out to dinner, roped for a neckline that needs it. The Pteria Penguin pearls from Sarah at Kojima are uniquely colored, and are also a great "go with everything" strand. 2 strands of nested or roped circled Tahitians ... always! Oh, dear ... this isn't working out at all ... I love them all ... never mind lol ... Hanadama, I love how your post shows such variety in Tahitian pearls, even in stud earrings!
"I love how your post shows such variety in Tahitian pearls, even in stud earrings!" Exactly! I tend to reach for my Kamoka pendant often (b/c it goes with EVERYTHING!), but I really cycle through everything else. It seems some pearls go with more of my wardrobe than others. So when the clothes change seasons, so do my pearls.
There's really no one favorite for me as I tend to cycle through favorites. It used to be my long tin cup Tahitian until I snagged it and broke the chain. Then I wore my akoya and Tahitian rope until one of the beads broke through the thread and disabled it. My 8mm akoya rope was next until I safely put it someplace (I was going out of town and too lazy to lock it up) and now I am embarrassed to say I can't remember where I put it.

Now that I'm taking a class twice a week at a community college, I find myself reaching for simpler, lighter, and shorter necklaces. The ropes just seem to get in the way of my book bag and photography stuff. It is probably the safest choice seeing how clumsy I am. I probably pick from these necklaces at least three times a week. With it already getting close to 90 degrees, I don't have to worry about sweating with a gold chain.IMG_20170416_204418.jpg

When I go out and am not doing anything physical, I like to reach for ropes. My two T strands clipped into one is still a favorite as is a funky rope of odd shaped Tahitians. DSC06961.jpgDSC06935.jpgIMG_20170213_130212.jpg
SunSeeker & Cathy - yes, the diversity in Tahitian colours is key to why I love them so much. Unfortunately it also means that one pair of Tahitian studs is not enough! I want them in every colour way!

Amti - beautiful pendant collection but the ropes! So lovely, but I agree, not always practical.
I guess for me it depends. In the winter I'm usually in suits at work, so my collection of baroque 18-20 inch Tahitian strands have been a staple. They're classic and not too flashy (they make me look polished without being too over the top) and they work well with my typical neckline. I mix them up with my Tahitian and WSS earrings (studs, leverbacks, shepherd hooks, and drops that fit on my hoops) depending on what strand I'm wearing (the WSS earrings go well with my white mixed Tahitian strand; the rest I tend to coordinate with mood and the color of my strand).

In the summer my work wardrobe shifts to more casual blouses/skirts, so I tend to wear my freshwater pearls more, as well as pendants and my smaller metallic rope. But this is also when I wear non-pearl jewelry (silver and semi precious stone stuff mainly) because it's so hot.

But this year was a bit of a gong show with seemingly never ending flus, colds, and other minor but annoying health stuff, so I've felt constantly tired and I haven't been able to find enough energy to put myself together in the mornings beyond the bare minimum, so I have to admit that I've pretty much lived in a simple pair of gold hoops, my wedding set, a watch, and nothing else. My pearl wardrobe has pretty much sat untouched all season. I've worn my new ropes a couple of times, but mainly to weekend events. I've barely worn suits either unless I've absolutely had to. I've lived in cardigan/skirt combos that have been more comfortable when I've been under the weather (and need less jewelry to look reasonably pulled together).
amti: I love everything, but tell me more about your Figure 8 clasps. They look very versatile.
I've probably posted these pics before, but lately I stay home a lot of days or only go out to run errands, so I mostly wear these simple 8-9mm Tahitians. I often don't bother with makeup (since getting cosmetic tattoos of eyeliner, brows and lips- so vain, I know!) but I feel strange leaving the house without wedding rings and earrings regardless of how "dressed down" I am.

I wonder what pearl jewelry type sells the best. I'd guess stud earrings because of the above. To me, they seem the most "essential." And of course, (some) stud earrings may also be the piece you can get for the least $. ???

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amti, beautiful collection of pendants and strands! Sea Urchin, good question, I bet post earrings are at the top of the sales list! My Dad bought my first pair, and 2nd and 3rd (after I begged and begged to get my ears pierced at age 12!)

Dare I ask how painful the cosmetic tattooing was? I have to admit that I've often thought it would be super convenient...

I have to admit that this winter I did wear my studs quite a bit too. They helped me look pulled together on days I was anything but.
Sea Urchin, I bet you're right. I definitely have more stud earrings than any other type of jewellery.
I'm also curious about the cosmetic tattooing. Currently I dye my eyebrows and eyelashes so I don't have to deal with eye makeup in the morning, but I also use Latisse to thicken them up because dye won't dye air.
Tbh, each time, I went in loaded up on painkillers leftover from a surgery, so I did not feel a thing. I think if you go to a place overseen by a physician you can get better painkillers from them than just the numbing cream, though. I'm told the lips usually hurt the most, but I got mine done twice. The color apparently works its way out as the mouth moves.

Brows hurt the least (I'm told) and eyeliner is probably hard if you are not under the influence because you have someone with a needle so close to your eyes.

The reason I went in originally was because my eyebrows have gotten thin and the "tails" were gone. I was so surprised when I looked online at before and after shots how much younger women look when they get their eyebrows back.

I'm happy with it, but would advise against getting the lips done since it weirdly went away for the most part both times after only a couple of months. That was a couple of years ago and I can see just a trace of it now. Either that or keep your mouth still haha.