What pearl piece do you wear the most?

@BWeaves, did the Latisse change your eye color? I couldn't believe that was a possible side effect!
@BWeaves, did the Latisse change your eye color? I couldn't believe that was a possible side effect!

Is that due to a change in the pressure in the eye? My sister used that and it worked amazingly well...but then she was told that you need to be careful as it can cause problems if you have the beginnings of glaucoma ... I have no idea if this is true or not but she did stop using it as that is a problem in our family.

Sea Urchin...how did the eyebrow colour work? Are you happy with it? My 'tails' have been disappearing and I know that can be a symptom of low Thyroid ( hence the thyroid medication Im now on ) but it would be nice to have better eyebrows! :)
I don't know why Latisse can change eye color, I just heard it on a commercial or something. Maybe BWeaves knows.

I love the brow tattoos and the eyeliner too. But I have noticed a couple of women around town with lavender colored brows. I'm not sure if the dyes didn't used to be as good as they are now or if I have that to look forward to when it fades lol. I think I was told you're supposed to get them redone every three years or so though, because the color does fade. The brows seem to be a pretty un-sensitive area so I bet it doesn't hurt much even if you don't get painkillers.
I've read that brown tattoo ink oxidizes to purple. So I think the ladies with the lavender brows probably had them tattooed brown and the ink changed color on them over time.

Latisse is a glaucoma medicine that has the side effect of making your lashes thicker and longer. I had a friend who had glaucoma in one eye, and so she only used the full strength medicine in the one eye, and she looked like Malcolm Mcdowell from the movie "A Clockwork Orange." My understanding is that Latisse will actually help glaucoma because it's a weak version of the full strength medicine. Latisse also works great on my eye brows, but that's an off label use.

I also understand that Latisse may permanently make brown spots on blue irises. My eyes are hazel. Moss green with gold centers. I really cannot tell if there are any brown spots on my irises.

When you have glaucoma, you put the medicine in your eye. With Latisse, you have a tiny brush that you run over the top of your eyelashes, so the medicine does not get in your eye. However, it doesn't hurt anything if it does drip in your eye.

P.S. Apparently, I cannot type the word ************ strength medicine. It comes out as all asterisks.
The word I'm trying to type is prescripti0n. I didn't know that was a 4 letter word.
**** test test

Wow that's so bizarre. I thought it was weird that you were all asterixing that word in the other thread. I know this is a pearl forum but honestly doing so perpetuates a culture of victim blaming. It's not a swear word, blanking it out implies that it is "taboo", something the victim should be ashamed about. BS.

Although if seemingly benign words are also being blanked out, perhaps it's just a weird glitch?
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Certain color inks last longer than others - reds and pinks fade pretty fast, but greens hold on for just about forever. You can prevent fading by using a full spectrum sunblock or sunscreen.
I have placed lip fillers in the past. It is typically hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. It works by bringing moisture to the injected area. Current products are derived from the cockscomb of chickens so it cannot be used on someone with a chicken sensitivity. It can be done pain free with dental injections. As it is a naturally occurring substance, it will be resorbed by the body in four to six months. It is then, a completely reversible procedure. After a few repeated applications, some people can go up to a year. Hope this helps...
Incidentally, Latisse was discovered accidentally as people being treated for glaucoma grew lashes. It is currently marketed by Allergan.

This post is taking a weird twist!!

I was going to post my "go to" studs....
I have been tempted by Latisse...however, I am a mascara wearer so I am not sure I could give up that addiction...something very cathartic about stroking my lashes in the morning. Currently, I am in love with Chanel in the round cylinder tube (regular, not waterproof which clumps much more quickly).
Latisse does not color the lashes. You still need mascara. Latisse just makes the lashes longer and more of them.

I have my lashes dyed so I don't have to wear mascara. It's completely separate from the Latisse. My lashes are ginger and my eyebrows are white, unless I have them dyed.
I have placed lip fillers in the past. It is typically hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. It works by bringing moisture to the injected area. Current products are derived from the cockscomb of chickens so it cannot be used on someone with a chicken sensitivity. It can be done pain free with dental injections. As it is a naturally occurring substance, it will be resorbed by the body in four to six months. It is then, a completely reversible procedure. After a few repeated applications, some people can go up to a year. Hope this helps...

Haha, chicken cockscombs. And I'm overdue for about twenty shots of botulism in my face. There may be something wrong with us lolol!

About the stud earrings. For some reason, I like to buy big ones, 11-13mm. But then when I look at what I actually wear, it's by far more often the small ones, like 7-9mm (the larger ones seem more dressy to me and I am usually not dressy). Which I just realized. Hmmm...
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I like the larger pearl sizes in dangles as my ears just won't support studs over 9mm :( ...too many big earrings in the big hair/big jewelry styles of the 1980s!
Now I'm curious about Latisse too. I see so many women with lash extensions and most of them are too long for my liking. I prefer a more natural look. I also see many women at the gym with purplish colors on their eyebrows. I didn't think that dye would fade to purple, but it does make sense.

BWeaves, the infinity clasp is a cheap alloy from a Korean seller on etsy. I looked forever for a clasp like this in gold and couldn't find one so I settled on this as a temporary clasp so I could wear my strand. It closes well, is sturdy, and is easy to use so I bought five more sets so all my strands could be strung together if I wanted. The ends can be used without the infinity loop to shorten a necklace, so it is really versatile.

I don't have pierced ears so I don't really wear earrings for fear of losing them. But if I did, I'd go for big dangling ones for sure. I've got long dark hair so smaller ones wouldn't be as noticeable.
I've never heard of Latisse before. Interesting!

Pearly whites please post your studs!!
Okay here are my every day studs. The smaller WSS are 8 mm and I wear them if the necklace is larger or more of a statement piece, Silvery white WSS with white pearls, Burmese cream SS with cream or off white pearls and Gray Tahitians with gray pearls. I have some black tahitians but they are in the shop. All 10-11 mm on platinum or 18k posts for my allergic ears. Also my DY pearl cable bracelet which I wear nearly every day with my Apple Watch.