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New Member
Dec 3, 2012
I have a couple of questions about blue Eyris pearls and since I've seen you've been to the farm and have a ring hoping you can help me. I have the opportunity to buy one, but wanted to talk with someone more knowledgeable about them. I tried sending you a pm- but your box is full. Are they even still in business? Looks like their website has not been updated for a long while. thanks for any help!!!!
Yes, they are still in business, but since they use a distribution network, they don't have a need to update their website as often as they should. Unfortunately, my ring has been missing for about six months. I'm hoping it will show up one of these days. It is the toughest pearl ring I have. :) I have three pendants and a pair of earrings and whenever I wear them, total strangers walk up and ask about them. It's the amazing color that calls to people. :)
Can you give me an idea of how they are priced- I can't find any info. I know they are expensive- but can you give me any actual figures? Are blues prized over greens? Or certain combos of colors? Really any advice you can give me for when I see it will help!! I should be getting a photo later today of the piece I'm being offered- so I don't know what I should be looking for when I look at it. Any suggestions?
I don't know current pricing as I bought all of my pieces several years ago. Very expensive, but worth every penny.

Here is a ring from Imperial. It's set in sterling silver and it's the lower grade pearl from the same company that produces Eyris pearls, called Pacific Blue. This is a huge pearl.
An actual Eyris pearl is probably double the cost and would be set in gold. Perhaps you can extrapolate?
Can you tell me what makes that a "Pacific Blue"? What should I look for for quality? Will the back of the pearl say "Eyris" if it's an eyris and Pacific blue if it's that? I don't know the details yet of the one I'm being offered-lol. I should get photo (photos?) later with more info.
Pacific Blues are frequently set in silver, but a designer could pop them out and use them as they like. It's the surface quality that makes the grade. That said, everyone's taste is different. The color is the thing with these pearls, as far as I am concerned. :cool:

Pacific Blue is not as lustrous, but still very beautiful. You have to evaluate each pearl on its own merits. You could have an Eyris pearl that has a meh color, but a beautiful surface, and it's worth a lot more to the person who finds that same color to be captivating.

I do have a pearl that has a serial number inscribed on the back. It's probably the gem grade pearl that I purchased on the trip in Akaroa harbor. And that pearl came with a grading certificate from Eyris, but it was lost. Perhaps you need to plan a vacation to New Zealand? :)
I have a couple of things to add to this. Eyris pearls grading is also heavily dependent on the amount of visible conchiolin. It shows as a sort of dark line.

I don't know if things have changed with Imperials' line of Eyris (Pacific Blue), but I believe when they began working with Roger Beattie, they carried Eyris third or fourth grade exclusively. This was quite a number of years ago though. I think the quality was called Mystique at the time.

Just found this link that has a good image of color grading and quality grading. You can see the conchiolin that I was referring to on some of the pearls.
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" These Mystiques are A grade pearls that have the conchiolin markings of the Paua shell."

Mystiques have their own name, because Eyris grade pearls can't have conchiolin markings, but they are still Eyris and not Pacific Blue. :) Anything less than A grade is not an Eyris Mystique.
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And Jeremy is right, Imperial has sold low quality pearls, but they have also sold the good stuff. They had a clearance from former cruise ship merchandise at Tucson with some great Eyris-quality pearls. When you see them side by side, the difference is obvious. Their TV stuff is exclusively Pacific Blue, but people love it.
Jeremy and I received draft grading books, but this is their chart before any changes, so it's safe to share. And a picture of the color grade names.


Oh, wow- thank you Gemgeek and Jeremy!!! this is exactly the info I was looking for. Ok- I still haven't gotten the photos or info on the pearl being offered to me yet, but should get it later today or tomorrow. All this info will really help me!!
Is it correct or not that they use colored resin inside the pearl to enhance the natural coloration? Approximately how thick is the nacre?

Pictures tell a thousand words.
hollow -
resin -

All -

I don't think the resin enhances the color. You don't see red coming through the nacre.
I finally got some photos yesterday- although no prices, yet. I know they are real Eyris pearls- but I don't know what grade they are. I have asked if he still has the certificates that came with the pearls as I would assume the quality would greatly affect the price. Added to it that they are set in 18kt gold with diamond accents and they may end up being a bit too much for me budget wise. But here are the photos- what do you all think? They look like they have some texture on the surface- so what kind of grade would that be?photo 3.jpgphoto 2.jpg
And a little closer view of the pendant pearl- isn't that a conchiolin line at the bottom? That would make it either a Mystique or Pacific Blue, wouldn't it?

Eyris pendant.jpg

Great photos and terrific to revisit your awesome trip!

If the reddish color were to affect the shade of the blue mabe, I'd think it would be to make it slightly more purple, with blue violet being a desirable color and less common.

Strack's PEARLS mentions on page 617, "......the original nucleus is taken out and the hollow pearly skin is filled with a blue polymer substance......"

I've inquired directly of the company and will share any additional information I receive about these gorgeous pearls.
I knew I wanted them, saved up the money to buy them, and have enjoyed mine for seven years without the slightest regret. Never buy jewelry because it meets a certain standard. Buy jewelry because it makes your heart sing. :cool:
If you get them, you may want to have a jeweler change those long ear hooks to something more wearable, and maybe, more secure. :)