What do you think of this Tahitian strand?

Thanks pkinnew! Yes, I think the size is good on me. I love the strand; I agree, I am sure I will wear it a lot. I was wearing it around the house just now (haha) and I love how it seems to irradiate light...
Tucs, those pearls are delicious...and to my eye, they do not appear small at all! In fact, I would say they are perfect on you. The intensity of color is wonderful, especially on the skin neck shot. Just lovely...wear them in the very best of health always!
Tell you what - everybody's correct, and nice job with the photos!
Oh Tucs, I am so please for you! The size is not too small, this was the common size range from the PP Tahitian sale last summer. This strand is right up my alley, so similar to my twins, but yours looks more colorful. I bet is feels so good on. You will enjoy so much!
Frost Me! Thanks! I did keep in mind the photos of one of your strands when selecting mine, it is one of my favourites :-)
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Congratulations, and thank you for providing all the different pictures. It helps me read the original PP picture.
Thanks katbran and pregcurious! Looking at comparison photos has been very helpful for me. I think it really helps to see photos of the strand in different light conditions.