what are these pearl?


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Hello Pearl-Guide Members,

I bought this necklace at TJ Maxx and don't know what kind of pearl it is. The largest pearl about 18mm by 20mm and the smallest is 16mm by 16mm. Even though the pearls are large, the necklace is extremely light weight. The pearls have a metallic soap like iridescence. Here are some pictures with white paper background. I took a comparison photo w/PP white metallic white fw pearl necklace. The pearls look grayer than in real life. Thanks!
Hi Wendy,

If these are souffles, then i got an amazing deal. I paid $249.99 for them!

I went to PP and looked at the souffle pearls and my mine looks very similar to them, but I'm skeptical b/c my necklace was so inexpensive.
Are souffle pearls that expensive? These are really large, though, and look lovely. Maybe no one else in your area appriciated them :)

- Karin
They are souffl? pearls, I saw a strand at TJ Maxx too. I almost bit, but I had just ordered my metallic white strand.
Well, the car really wanted to go to TJ Maxx after work, but I had to remind it that it needed gas, not pearls:(
pearllove -- Hi! Those souffle pearls look incredible for $249. How have they held up? What do you think of them now that you've had them for a while? I wonder if TJMaxx still sells those...
I saw some like this at TJ Maxx about a month ago. They are very pretty in person and now I know why they were some of the most expensive pearls there. :D They marked down quite a few pearl pieces recently. I bought a couple 100 inch for $20 a piece. I alway go there and buy mark down necklaces for the beads. You can't beat some of their prices. ~d
I ended up going to my local TJ Maxx today after seeing pearllove's souffle post above. They didn't have the souffles, though the salesperson said they get a shipment of pearls every Wednesday. She last saw them a couple of weeks ago. She claimed they were priced around $50 but I don't believe that. What they DID have really surprised me, though! They had coin pearls and faceted pearls and petal pearls... and some were metallic-y and "pondslime-y". I was especially drawn to the petal pearls, some small, some large, most white, but some with beautiful gold/bronze/lavender colors. I was very very surprised and the prices were crazy low -- necklaces I would consider buying starting at $30! I'm going to go back later this week and have a little look/see. I want to see and feel the souffles in person.
Lovely pearls! Drat, I never thought to look for pearls at tjmaxx and I was just there on Saturday. Next time I am heading to the jewelry case first.
possibly souffles? (silly name)
I am wondering if "souffles" would not come from the french "soufflure " meaning "blown" due to gas production when the pearl was produced into the mollusk.
This name "soufflure" is given to big hollow pearls that are pearls and not pieces of nacres.
Jack Lynch named them souffl?s because they were light and airy. And it sounded better than other potential names. :)
PG , THE place to learn :) THANKS
We have several TJ Maxx stores in our area. I have not seen any more souffl? pearls since my earlier post on that one strand, but I do see many other bead-nucleated CFWP; baroques, flameballs and off-rounds.
I bought a circl? 14-16mm strand today that had a satiny luster like SSP for a price so low I could not walk away (photos in my album.) I do love ringed pearls!

photo links:
https://www.pearl-guide.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=23662&d=1372797111 (indoors near door)
https://www.pearl-guide.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=23683&d=1372825102 (another neck shot, pearls are rotated a bit differently)
https://www.pearl-guide.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=23671&d=1372797600 (under daylight lamp)

Maybe we need a thread for pearls found at T.J. Maxx!
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