My Newly Hand selected Tahitian Baroques from PP!!


New Member
Jan 2, 2010
I just can't say enough about Jeremy and his staff at Pearl Paradise. I was lucky to have such a wonderful salesperson, a gentleman named Scott who went above and beyond and had Jeremy pick a from several strands of tahitians not yet listed on the website. Of the 5 gorgeous strands, I selected this one! I was so impressed that Jeremy took the time to look the strand over to make sure that it the pearls would be to what I requested per my emails. They switched out a few of the pearls that they didn't think would appeal to me and replaced them with even more gorgeous pearls. I am no pearl expert, but I know I like what I sees and these are just beyond gorgeous! For what I paid for these I struggle to think that I could do better elsewhere....not only in the quality of the pearls, but the customer service was bar none IMPECCABLE. They treated me as if I were spending a million dollars! Thanks Scott, Jeremy, and those who were in on the process of putting together these beautiful pearls!


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Neck shot in the evening.... Pictures can't capture there true beauty!!


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:) night shot...


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another neck shot....:):)


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pearls on diamond crystal


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pearls in hand....


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last one shot in the daytime in my gardenwindow....... I just fall in love all over again looking at these pearls in natural lighting! (not that I didn't love them in the first place!!):p


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They are beautiful Pearldreams. They look great on you. It's amazing how the colours change - they look green on your neck and in the other shots they look silver blue. Enjoy them.

Pearldreams your pearls are gorgeous and suit you beautifully! Your enthusiasm for them is good to see!!
thank you Nerida and Shashi....!!
Pearldreams, I just came back to look at your photos again...honestly, this is what our forum is about - education, and learning for sure, but a place for being able to share our obsessions and enthusiasm! Thank you for the photos, and for sharing your joy with us all.
Pearldreams, I just came back to look at your photos again...honestly, this is what our forum is about - education, and learning for sure, but a place for being able to share our obsessions and enthusiasm! Thank you for the photos, and for sharing your joy with us all.

Thanks again Nerida! I don't claim to be an expert by any means but I do believe I am ahead of the game from the average consumer. I truly have come to love pearls. Stay tuned... I will be posting more pics of my other pearls once I get better acclamated with this forum. I have been trying to ad my avatar/profile pic....but it won't let me. If I downsize the file any will be gone!! :eek: I am going to keep trying though!

Thanks to you too claudenancy! I think you are the first to say that about my neck. Makes this 44 year old not feel so old!! LOL!
When you post more pics - can you please post some with your hair down. :) The reason I am asking is - I have black hair and brown skin and feel that Tahitian pearls may not look good with my black hair. So, now I am curious to see how it looks with the various colours of hair and skin.
Like Nerida - I keep looking at the pics. The pearls are beautiful.

When you post more pics - can you please post some with your hair down. :) The reason I am asking is - I have black hair and brown skin and feel that Tahitian pearls may not look good with my black hair. So, now I am curious to see how it looks with the various colours of hair and skin.
Like Nerida - I keep looking at the pics. The pearls are beautiful.


I sure will ShashiRatna. I have dark brown hair but I have highlights and my hair is right at the end of my neckline. I have a tad of Lebanese in me so I can carry a tan pretty well. Also, I have blue eyes and I have to say... when I put these pearls on... the teal/silvery/peacock colors make my eyes come to life... (or is it the other way around?LOL!););) Give me a day or two to get some daytime pics as the other neck pictures are at nighttime in my bathroom. :rolleyes:

Thank you Pattye
Hey good to see you here and I'm glad your dream finally came true!! Now that you've got that dream out of the way, we have to get you started on a new one. Matching earrings maybe? Just let me know if I can help. ;)
Hey good to see you here and I'm glad your dream finally came true!! Now that you've got that dream out of the way, we have to get you started on a new one. Matching earrings maybe? Just let me know if I can help. ;)

You know it!! The wheels are turning already as I would really like to have some matching baroque tahitians earrings to go with this necklace. I think it would be cool to have one silvery pearl and one peacock pearl. I like the look of wearing two different colored pearls on each ear.

BTW...I really can't thank you enough for enabling me to make this happen and helping me to make the right choice concerning which necklace to choose!!!
Hello pearldreams,
congratulations on your Tahitian beauties, may you always enjoy them in good health and happiness. Thank you for posting the pics and sharing your excitement with people who understand the pleasure pearls bring ;)

Your pearls are gorgeous and look so well on you :) Now you can look forward to the fun of choosing pearls for earrings!
Regards from Kerry.
I recognize the symptoms - you're a hopeless case! Hurry up and get those earrings so you can enjoy having a set. It won't be long before a bracelet or ring enters the picture, I suspect.... ;)