Tucson 2013

I am getting 125 photos downloaded from my phone as we speak. I will start posting a few when they are done downloading. For some reason I missed Sarah's booth. I was so overwhelmed by the lovely silver blue pearls with an abalone pendant and a fancy bead necklace she gave me, I forgot I was supposed to take photos. I will make it back. I have about 25 Photos from John Tu's booth beyond the lime green Tahitians. Simone bought a gorgeous necklace from John with silver nitrate peacock pearls all with shades of rose and purple. They were Simone's colors!!!

I am so tired, I am staying home tomorrow so I will be fresh for dinner and I will edit and upload the most representative photos from each booth I photographed. Cortez Pearls with Henrique and Hisano admiring the fantastic job Hisano did with the Matreya (sp) pearl. The Rifkin's West Coast Pearls- all natural! And many more booths from the GJX which I hope will give you an idea of what we saw. John was in the Pavilion where he could reach retail customers as well as wholesale.
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Thanks Caitlin. Looking forward to the pics. And the stories. Enjoy.
Can I post pictures from my iPad or phone or do I need a computer? I have a fun photo of you and Jeremy and Wild Onion from yesterday. I will email it to you all anyway! Sorry I won't see you today, but I will stop by tonight! HAVE to get back to Sarahs booth and see John Tu today if you and Simone didn't buy everything!!!
I think you can, but I am new to apple and can hardly make anything work. I have to get a photo program. Kether has one of those. You can ask her 520.223.6318. I will take this post down in a few hours.
Cortez Pearls with Henrique and Hisano admiring the fantastic job Hisano did with the Matreya (sp) pearl.

Sure thing Caitlin! I recieved a photo of the pearl pendant you mentioned...beautiful and uniquely colorful design made by Hisano Takei for the best pearl from the 2011 Cortez Pearl harvest: I called it "Matrioshka" since its shape reminded me of the Russian dolls-within-a-doll. The design honors the pearl and the pearl gives its beauty back as well...synergy.

I have to say that I simply LOVE what Hisano has done. My only regret: not being in Tucson to see my pearl again (well, I was the "Father-of-Pearl") and admire it in Hisano's unique artistry. Sigh!

My warmest regards to you all...wish I could have been there to greet the Pearl-Guide group. Next time I will...

Below: a photo of the Matrioshka Pendant (will have to ask Hisano how she has named the pendant).
Matrioshka Pendant.jpg
I am way slowed down by learning this mac photo program; I might not get any up today.The one I tried to post was so large, it crashed the thread.
I'm just sad because I'm missing the parties and I was looking forward to Gem jam. Next year Blaire and I are going to have to do a blues jam.
Many, many thanks to Jeremy, Hisano, and Caitlin and all for the marvelous pearl walk. I am still dazed by the Cortez pearls for sale, as well as Hisano's magnificent pendant and her kasumi necklace. Did I mention the golden SS?, or the beautiful freshwaters, or the . . .? Everyone was welcoming and generous with their time and knowledge. Honestly, if you ever have the chance, be sure and join the Pearl Walk; it was an absolute joy!
A fun photo of Caitlin, Jeremy, and "Wild Onion", Emma, during the Pearl Walk. Always a great event meeting a lot of Jeremy's pearl contacts. Thank you to Jeremy and Hisano and Caitlin for an adventure!
Sure thing Caitlin! I recieved a photo of the pearl pendant you mentioned...beautiful and uniquely colorful design made by Hisano Takei for the best pearl from the 2011 Cortez Pearl harvest: I called it "Matrioshka" since its shape reminded me of the Russian dolls-within-a-doll. The design honors the pearl and the pearl gives its beauty back as well...synergy.

I have to say that I simply LOVE what Hisano has done. My only regret: not being in Tucson to see my pearl again (well, I was the "Father-of-Pearl") and admire it in Hisano's unique artistry. Sigh!

My warmest regards to you all...wish I could have been there to greet the Pearl-Guide group. Next time I will...

Below: a photo of the Matrioshka Pendant (will have to ask Hisano how she has named the pendant).
View attachment 21125

Wow! What a beautiful way to frame the Matrioshka!
View attachment 21194
A fun photo of Caitlin, Jeremy, and "Wild Onion", Emma, during the Pearl Walk. Always a great event meeting a lot of Jeremy's pearl contacts. Thank you to Jeremy and Hisano and Caitlin for an adventure!

Thanks for sharing the picture judimcc6. Nice to "meet" you Wild Onion. I recognize the pendant you got from Pure Pearls. You posted pictures here a few years ago in response to my Tahitian pearl shopping in Hawaii thread. Does anyone have more Tucson pictures?
Great to see you
Special mention to Jeremy : you are not wearing enough jewelry, why don't you try some pearls on, should fit you well! :)
Had a great time in Tucson, it was great to meet all of you at the dinner!
It was so much fun to meet and walk with you and Sue! I am glad you thought it was worth it. It didn't cover Agta this year, but GJX is my favorite show. I asked Kether to tell you that John Tu chose a venue where he can wholesale and retail so no badges needed. Just hop on over to the Pavilion behind the River Park Inn if you come down next year. And make your plans to walk and eat with us early!.

Many, many thanks to Jeremy, Hisano, and Caitlin and all for the marvelous pearl walk. I am still dazed by the Cortez pearls for sale, as well as Hisano's magnificent pendant and her kasumi necklace. Did I mention the golden SS?, or the beautiful freshwaters, or the . . .? Everyone was welcoming and generous with their time and knowledge. Honestly, if you ever have the chance, be sure and join the Pearl Walk; it was an absolute joy!
Ah, Caitlin. That is one big pearl.
Ramona, don't you know it!
It is featured somewhere on this site last year when Jeremy said it was going to a special lady. Of course I thought it was Hisano's and was surprised when he presented it to me at the last Ruckus! I love wearing it!
I am still overwhelmed by getting my photos up and have a birthday bar-b-que today. Maybe this evening. I get a Mac lesson from my daughter today at the barbie.
Thank you!

Thank you!

I wanted to give a big thank you to Caitlin, Kether, Hisano and Jeremy for their hospitality. It was so much fun to meet other PGers and put faces to names in the pearl industry. I must say that both Caitlin and Jeremy were bad influences - each of them said something along the lines of "you'll probably never see something like that again," which led to two purchases: two beautifully matched South Seas drop-shaped keshi from Jewelmer (pics to follow once they're set) and an American lagniappe (American Pearl Company's term for keshi, which can only apply to saltwater pearls, according to many gem trade associations) pearl pendant, pictured below. I love the setting.


South Seas have been on my wish list for a while, and I couldn't give up the chance to own an American pearl. I also bought five strands of tiny lavender freshwaters from Kojima Pearl that Caitlin has graciously agreed to string up. Hanaleimom, no Tahitian purchases this time. I hope we can meet in real life at some point!