Traveling Pearls

Thanks, everyone!

Yes, I'm really glad I got the strand, cmd!
Two continents in one photo! Wearing the metallic peach Edisons at the ferry crossing the Bosphorus Strait, overlooking the continents of Europe (left side) and Asia (right side) being connected by a bridge in Istanbul, Turkey. It only takes 10 minutes by boat crossing Asia to Europe, with the nearest distance at 730 meters. :)

OOOOO, I've been there. I went in 1999 to view the last total eclipse of the sun of the previous century. Got a bonus earthquake. The big one. I told my husband, who had never really travelled, to just expect that some catastrophe will happen, and just roll with it. I had in mind lost luggage. We got an earthquake instead. The solar eclipse was spectacular, though.
OOOOO, I've been there. I went in 1999 to view the last total eclipse of the sun of the previous century. Got a bonus earthquake. The big one. I told my husband, who had never really travelled, to just expect that some catastrophe will happen, and just roll with it. I had in mind lost luggage. We got an earthquake instead. The solar eclipse was spectacular, though.

BWeaves, the eclipse I understand is no less than spectacular but the earthquake must be also quite an experience! Funny you spoke about luggage. The last time I'm in Istanbul for an airport stopover, I got left by a flight due to change in time as it was the start of Daylight Saving Time and there was an hour adjustment and I needed to go out of immigration for my luggage! Turkey is a beautiful country but I'm only here for a few days as a stopover before heading to continental west Europe. No earthquakes so far but there was a bombing of a police bus at Istanbul's Europe side yesterday. :(
That's a great shot, Perlas! Istanbul is beautiful, really worth a visit. And the food is amazing.
Perlas, you take the best pearl pics! Love the pearls, love the view!
We were out and about on a car road trip last week, playing tour guides for visiting family. It was a bit intense LOL ... and I needed something for ME. There he was, front and center in the Disney store window and I just had to have him. He promptly stole my beloved Pearl Paradise white baroque akoya pearl set for his collection! I blamed it all on you ladies ... not so sure Walter bought that excuse, but he took it in good humor :)
Aw Cathy, that guy has so much personality, I'm sure Walter will grow to love him too! :)
LOL. Sorry, Cathy. Your Octo wore the pearls best. :cool:
Cathy!!! LLLLUUUUUVVVVV your new cephalopod!!! OMG if you're coming to the Ruckus PULEASE bring him!!! We shall have a cross-material cephalopod playdate with Sheri's octobabies!!! lolol!!!
Marianne, I think Walter secretly loves him too; he really didn't complain ... much :) Walter has a soft heart under that gruff exterior ...
Perlas, you are so right ... Octo may become my pearl model from here on out ... he's lumpy, bumpy, sleepy eyed and a collector ... not so different from me LOL.
Purranha, I'm thinking of it! For a variety of reasons, Walter has refused to drive the vintage travel trailer out, so we are now flying UGH ... so perhaps Hank shall become my airplane pillow (he's very soft and squishy) ... and pearl model.
I fell for his eyes, Pearl Dreams ... Disney hit a home run with this character's personality's rendition in plush.
Thanks, kelluvpearls :) We're home, thank goodness. It was a whirlwind week 3 cities, tourist highlights of all 3 with family ... it was fun and I'm SO SO SO glad to be home LOL.