Traveling Pearls

Thank you, Pareltje and hanadama! I'm working on a making a full suite of pipi jewelry and have found a pearl syndrome of my own: pearl quality syndrome. Laurent's been so great to work with and I count him as a friend these days, but my budget is pretty small, so I'm not getting any where close to the best quality (my one ring is the highest quality pipi I own). Every time I see an exceptional pearl from him it just kills me! There's this one that won my heart recently and I am trying to figure out how in the world I could afford it. I feel that I'm going to slowly do an upgrade to everything I'm currently making LOL. I guess there's no cure ;) (not that I want one, mind you)
Thank you, Pareltje and hanadama! I'm working on a making a full suite of pipi jewelry and have found a pearl syndrome of my own: pearl quality syndrome. Laurent's been so great to work with and I count him as a friend these days, but my budget is pretty small, so I'm not getting any where close to the best quality (my one ring is the highest quality pipi I own). Every time I see an exceptional pearl from him it just kills me! There's this one that won my heart recently and I am trying to figure out how in the world I could afford it. I feel that I'm going to slowly do an upgrade to everything I'm currently making LOL. I guess there's no cure ;) (not that I want one, mind you)

Duh MSC, I'm already head over heels with gss keshi pearls (they are above my budget) and now rich golden pipis. Do you perhaps know if there is a pipi pearls supplier directly from French Polynesia?
[/QUOTE]Not that I know of, Pareltje. It's a very small market and I've only ever worked with my friend.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot anyway MSC. Please do post pictures of your pipis that I can also enjoy them ;)
OOOO, congratulations! They are beautiful. Wear them with everything! Jeans, fancy dresses, everything. Enjoy the heck out of them.
Can't think of a better place to wear lovely pipi pearls than on a camping trip MSC! Wear my pearls camping often, although we do "cheat" camping in a tiny house LOL ...
Let me know when and where, MSC. We'll bring the food, the tiny house, some camping pearls and one dog ... you bring the pipis :)
Well, we could hope MSC :) My lovely girl doesn't always like other dogs. Mostly she's okay, but a bit cautious ... occasionally and more rarely, reactionary and iffy. She was a stray, and we rescued her after being at a shelter for 8 weeks. She does love all people, and especially children, but dogs were a big challenge. When we first got her, her instinct was to challenge and try to attack any other dog in range, even BIG dogs, and she's only 50 pounds! It took weeks to get her to tolerate our daughter's dog, and a long time and a lot of work and time to get her to tolerate and play with most other dogs. She did seem to like the mastiff our friends had in the camper next to us this August; surprised us all!