These Pearls make me feel Warm & Fuzzy

Hi Bodecia
I remember you said this strand made you feel warm and fuzzy. How much can you pay for it? Offer that amount. No big thing if she says ,"no".

Unless I save up for months, I don't think I could pay more than a couple hundred for a nice klonk, thus I comb the commercial grade tents at the Gem Show.

I have heard the owner of Bella Findings buys low end klonks in China. I am going to call him today and see what he has or can get.
I was trying to edit my last post when I l;ost contact.

What I was going to say to Bodecia is that Strack on page 346 says, "lamprotula is found in nearly all rivers, streams, and lakes in China but but it is not used for pearl culture and practically no natural pearls have been found"

Hi Caitlin,

If this is the case then lamprotulas were a figment of Zeide's imagination. Correct? I want to buy that book, need to stop buying pearls so I can buy the book. :( It should be a great read and maybe will stop me asking stupid questions. Or maybe not. Has it many good coloured photos for illustrating points?

Thanks again, Bodecia
I have heard the owner of Bella Findings buys low end klonks in China. I am going to call him today and see what he has or can get.
Caitlin, please do let us know what you find out from Bella Findings. They might be able to get higher end without the price reaching the sky.

Thing is that I can't really afford them at the moment either so I am just trying to work out how I could possibly manage it. I have asked the lady if she imports on a regular basis and I am hoping to hear back from her by tomorrow. I haven't made an offer yet. Waiting for more photos and also the exact size of largest and smallest pearls before I finally try to make up my mind.

They did make me feel warm and fuzzy. I sort of fell visually into them, trance like. :) But then again that has happened before to me and I am sure it will again. Good pearls have that effect on me.

You are very pro FW pearls aren't you? Klonks especially. I still do like really good looking saltwater pearls with great lustre. Love the gold colours too but it is always a worry as to whether they have been treated or not. I don't want treated pearls. I know you really love natural pearls too :) I guess who doesn't but they are so hard to find. I have seen some of them very recently too, a full stand but the shapes weren't great and they were pricey of course.

You are very pro FW pearls aren't you? Klonks especially.
Let us say that CFWP are my favorites. I saw some some SS keshi at the show that I meant to get but couldn't find again - individual pearls, large but low quality, for $10 each.

Most of my pearls are not klonks. I devote more time to the klonk search because they are hard to find.

Love the gold colours too but it is always a worry as to whether they have been treated or not. I don't want treated pearls.
If the dealer is honest the price will reflect if the pearls have been treated. The golden color treatments are actually quite good and put golden pearls within the price range of more people, but they should be disclosed and often are not disclosed to the buyer.

Strack's lecture had 2 excellent points for looking for dye on golden SS pearls. First is a kind of watery-fingerprint shape of concentric rings left just under the surface. Second is spidery-web looking yellow lines under the suface. She illustrated both with huge photos. Imediately after the lecture, I was able to spot those and other uneven areas of discoloration by looking through the surface and/or at the drill hole. For any dye job, look at the drill holes to see how well executed the dye job is.
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I just got out my Klassic Klonk which has 30 pearls, all almost a perfect 12mm and no pearl less than 12mm. It is 16" with the clasp.

Hi Caitlin, I do like your Klonks and your design. I quite like off rounds and weird and wonderful shapes. One day I will post some of my designs if that would be okay with the PF. I do love designing, more than the stringing up. :D It is way more fun.

Strack's lecture had 2 excellent points for looking for dye on golden SS pearls. First is a kind of watery-fingerprint shape of concentric rings left just under the surface. Second is spidery-web looking yellow lines under the suface.

Hi Caitlin,

Yes, I knew to look at drill holes but the rest is great to know. Now I will be surfing looking at Golden pearls for these give-a-ways :) Such information is invaluable.

Can I ask a stupid question :) - Why is it that South Sea pearls have a more satiny look instead of extreme lustre of some other pearls. I suppose it is the type of mollusk :) that they grow in but does anyone know exactly why it is.

Just as you posted the first picture above. You are invited to do so at any time.

Thanks Caitlin, I know I will find it hard to resist posting the occasional photo :D

Bodecia said:
Why is it that South Sea pearls have a more satiny look instead of extreme lustre of some other pearls. I suppose it is the type of mollusk. that they grow in but does anyone know exactly why it is.

'Guess that much of the difference is in the 'other' pearls used for reference, which are often treated to an artificial harsh, mirror glare. Otherwise, you are right... the structure of pearls goes by species and it is the shape, color and arrangement of those layers of conchiolin and aragonite that dictate how exactly pearls look. For nucleated pearls, the thickness of the nacre layer plays out too...

Basically, I prefer an explanation in terms of optical properties of the pearls' structure; and that isn't my idea, of course:

Now, I don't know how those layers are arranged in SS pearls vs. akoya and freshwater vs. ... have not seen such research done ('bet there is) to explain lustre, only color. Would love to read such a thing if there is available anywhere (hint, hint). :)

Here's what I have for reference: ONE explaining how the structure of the MOP layers determines the optical properties of pearls (and it is known that those are specific to each species), and ANOTHER fun bit of research explaining pearl color starting with the same structure. These lead to the extrapolation above.

Pearls are fun! :cool: (that's news, right.. ;) )
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Now, I don't know how those layers are arranged in SS pearls vs. akoya and freshwater vs. ... have not seen such research done ('bet there is) to explain lustre, only color. Would love to read such a thing if there is available anywhere (hint, hint).

Hi Valeria101, I think it was that quoted the above,

Thanks so much. Yes, I think this kind of information is what the PF must be all about or started out as such. Questions and Answers are the way we all learn. And I think photos play a big part too. As for the lustre of SS pearls I would really like to know the reasons for the satiny type instead of high lustre if anyone knows or if anyone wants to let the rest of us know!! Surely this type of question is what PF is about. The love of Pearls, the love of Knowlege, the Giving of that knowledge to Others.

Also now that Zeide is gone :D I personally and am sure others too will be more open in their appreciation of other types of pearls such as akoyas, good top notch akoyas that is. How we can tell the difference and just so many questions that the PPBs type comments from the ohh so charismatic Zeide put down. Her comments often made me feel like I was harboring pieces of crap in my home. This PF seems like to many luring to be the know all, end all of pearl cuisine. So, it can make us feel totally inferior when a persona :) like Zeide continually puts down anything like Akoya, Tahitians or any other Cultured pearls she would like to see improved upon. I am not saying there are not many akoyas out there that aren't PPBs but I do think there are many that are really top notch and should be appreciated as such. It is also true of FreshWater Pearls. So many are so very beautiful and yet for the most part (not necessarily) on this forum put down because they are now Saltwater.

I do remember as a teenager seeing a movie with, I think, Marilyn Monroe, in it and she found a FW pearl in a river and the "man" she was with told her it was worthless and threw it back into the river. That influenced my thinking on FW pearls for most of my life. It is time we came out of those dark ages and accepted what is beautiful no matter where it came from and the PF can do that. I think 100s if not 1000s lurk every now and again. So let all put those thoughts into promoting what is beauty and what is not & not just where they came from but also celebrate where they came from.

South Sea pearls do not have the same sharp reflection (luster is simply the quality of light reflection from the surface) because the arogonite platelets making up the pearl are much thicker and much more coarse. Average aragonite plate thickness on Akoya pearls is under .5 microns. South Sea pearls, on the other hand, may have platelets as thick as 1.5 microns.
Not Warm And Fuzzy But Very Interested

Not Warm And Fuzzy But Very Interested

Pre-columbian Necklace Spondylus and pearl .
Very good
north coast of peru
200 B.C.
measure : 16"
I guarantee its authenticity 100%

This quote from the ebay seller. I just won these for $1 which is ridiculous which ever way you look at it. Also won another necklace for about $15 which I think is also very cheap. Especially if they are what the poor seller says they are. Almost, but not quite, wants me to say I will pay you more :) I have been ripped off too many times to offer that to all but the occasional seller.

But I thought what the hell, if I get something decent that is great and if it is total rubbish I will not have lost much although on this lot that I will post photos of I bid a lot more than I won them for. The others I was distracted by the PF and forgot to up my bid on them so was very surprised to win them.

Anyway I have no idea what I have won at the moment. Although liking tribal I like the look and got a gut feeling which I go by a lot being a female. The other lot does not have pearls so I will not post a photo although they are shell beads and rather beautiful. Unless you want to see photos. Thing is I cannot copy the second lot of photos and I know all the tricks to get around the photocopy laws of photos on ebay or thought I did :(

So please let me know what I have bought. Regardless I really like them.



  • Pre-Columbian Spondylus & Pearls.jpg
    Pre-Columbian Spondylus & Pearls.jpg
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Hi all,

Need to qualify things I said - mainly I said I could not download a couple of photos from the ebay site I won, said photos from and that is correct. By saying if you wanted to see them I meant when I got them I could take photographs and then upload them. Giggle. I don't want anyone blasting me for that mistake in not being more pedantic or should I say more precise.

Sorry. Can't help it I have been watching the great movies The Black Pearl and bought myself a bottle of rum - tired it out and found it is rather strong. Anyway love designing while watching the "Black Pearl" movies and also "Pride and Prejudice" sounds like and Oxymoran but there you go.

Have to let down my hair after losing the Cricket to the Poms and also not being able to buy the Klonkers right away :) but have found the Rum rather strong. Still in pearling country and so I feel good.

Hi Slraep, do I still sound like Zeide, doubt she ever let down her hair or her persona. And she drinks wine. Giggle. If you email me privately we can get it straightened out and you will realise I am not her and could never be. Way too straight forward to a fault.

Sorry all, I strayed from the Pearl path there :eek:

Would love to hear your feedback on my little wins or rather the one and only I can post at the moment. Guess I could leave a link but that really would be giving it away. No it wouldn't as I already posted the heading. Will blame it on the rum.

This quote from the ebay seller. I just won these for $1 which is ridiculous which ever way you look at it. Also won another necklace for about $15 which I think is also very cheap. Especially if they are what the poor seller says they are. Almost, but not quite, wants me to say I will pay you more I have been ripped off too many times to offer that to all but the occasional seller.

Seller of these emailed me saying he would not go ahead with the sale because it didn't reach his price :( I am negotiating with him at the moment or think I am. Tried explaining to him that it is a binding agreement on both seller and buyer - but he is a new seller and has listed items all wrong. Still I want them but am willing to pay more although my bid was for a lot more than the winning price. No one else bid against me so he wants to withdraw from the contract. Any bidder would be slammed for doing so but as he is a newbie to ebay I don't suppose he has much positive feedback to lose.

I still don't know what the pearls actually are just had feeling it was worth going after even though the description was virutally nill. Do hope I get them in the end without having to pay much extra but I have offered extra to get them. I guess if you want something you need to pay a half decent price. The seller is obviously so new to eBay that he doesn't have a clue to what he is doing. I emailed him several times and he never answered, this before the auction ended. But as soon as it ended he emailed me to say "no deal", my words not his.

If ANYONE knows what the pearls would actually be I would love to know. They are distressed with age and probably burial but still I would love to have the necklace I won. :(

Bodecia said:
Seller of these emailed me saying he would not go ahead with the sale because it didn't reach his price [...]
If ANYONE knows what the pearls would actually be I would love to know.

'Sure they knew that's what a 'reserve price' is for? 'Bet they did.

There are ways to ID such antiques and venues to sell collectible beads with a pedigree. If they can get proof that the items is a treasure, it would be sensible to ask for negotiation in light of striking new info... Unfortunately, don't see any reason why this one might be the one such even in FleaBay history. :rolleyes:

$1 non-reserve auction makes me think these are barrel-bottom tinted freshwater pearls and some died coral beads... someone went through the motions to put two and two together and give them an 'antique' face and then play an entire pantomime around them! :o No? Great. Then why not make use of a museum's valuation services and go through the motions of an ethnological antique sale? There really are not that many such items incorporating pearls, it would be a very desirable piece. Why would I believe that the folks are so very informed of the item's value, but totally innocent about what market determines that value?

Next time I see a money tree, I'll put it on Ebay! :cool:

Btw. Once upon a time a potential 50k worth natural pearl necklace was talked about and aparently purcahsed around here... Taking a chance here to ask, what became of it?
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Hi Bodecia
Dream on. Those spondylus are not 200BC and they probably weren't buried either. They probably are spiny oyster, but that is not a color the I ever saw in Chimu spondylus beads.

Here is strand from some I have had since 1973 or so. I sorted through and strung 10-12 kilos into necklaces for some friends. The ones that had been buried looked like it. I am putting up a picture because they are shell beads and not only that, oyster shell;)


  • Spondylus shell necklace 1974.JPG
    Spondylus shell necklace 1974.JPG
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Bodecia said:
... I am not saying there are not many akoyas out there that aren't PPBs but I do think there are many that are really top notch and should be appreciated as such.

Well, obviously 'PPB' sounded derogatory, but emotion aside, it just meant 'nucleated'. Non-nucleated akoya? Where!

Debating quality marks of any sort of pearl would be fun... especially given how scarce the opportunity is. Start with nacre thickness disclosure? Treatments? ;) .... can you see any of that happening???

It is great to see some natural pearls for once. I hope news of them keep trickling in :cool: ...without the PPB militancy, as it happens. From the looks of it, natural or fine non-nucleated pearls already receive their due valuation, so that battle, if there ever was one, is well won. My insignificant vote goes to them too; no campaigning.
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Valeria101 said:
Btw. Once upon a time a potential 50k worth natural pearl necklace was talked about and apparently purchased around here... Taking a chance here to ask, what became of it?

Hmmm... I think I recall the necklace you are referring to...:D

At this point the information is not unlike that which we gleaned from eBay. It arrived during the holiday rush and I did not really examine it until January. I examined it with Jeremy Norris. There definitely seem to be some naturals, but the ratio does not appear to fall in my favor. It is heading to the GIA anyway, and we will see what an x-ray reveals!
jshepherd said:
Average aragonite plate thickness on Akoya pearls is under .5 microns. South Sea pearls, on the other hand, may have platelets as thick as 1.5 microns.

Hi Jeremy
Is there any reference (article, report?) to the aragonite thickness in Akoyas and SSP?

One of the articles to which Valeria101 made reference to (Snow et al., 2004) says that ??The average [aragonite] tile thickness is about 400 nm, but can vary widely in the range 300 to 600 nm,?? (1000 nm = 1 micron). They analysed SSPs.

If this were true, then I would think that the regular shape of the aragonite tile or platelet may play a more important role than the thickness, in creating a better luster. Most (if not all) SSP are produced in the tropics where water temperatures are high and there is not much variation throughout the year. In contrast, most Akoyas are cultured in colder (temperate) waters with real winters and summers. This influences the rates at which nacre is layered. And it?s also generally accepted that colder waters give better nacre quality (in terms of luster). I remember having seen a photo of nacre grown in summer vs nacre grown in winter (perfectly shaped crystals vs open or shapeless crystals), I just don?t remember where. I?ll try to find it.
