The Quest of the Red Pearl

Josh said:
Hmmm... I probably should be worried about you with your iron jaw and your bone head.

Seriously man, can't you come up with something funnier.

What? You can dish it out but you can't take it? I have to admit to thinking that was pretty funny. I was chortling away when I wrote it.

Valeria, That conch pearl was cool, I meant it. Non-nacreous=target for silly comments. That pearl definitely takes the cake for this thread anyway.
Josh said:
What? You can dish it out but you can't take it? I have to admit to thinking that was pretty funny. I was chortling away when I wrote it.

It's still not funny. And yes, it's interesting that YOU should think your stuff is hilarious and YOU should laugh at it. Some people are just able to amuse themselves with very little.

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Josh said:
Valeria, That conch pearl was cool...

I was looking for more convincingly red ones. I know they are out there. Only saw small conch that I could call 'red' without blushing.

Something like those mixed in the strand below. No idea if a nacreous equivalent with red body color exists....


Folks from this pearl shack (Allnaturalpearls) used to post around here back in the day.
What about the Survival Pearl on display at the Smithsonian?
knotty panda said:
What about the Survival Pearl on display at the Smithsonian?

As a 'snail pearl'? I've seen the label... It means that the pearl was formed around a snail shell, not that it was made by a snail. Many webpages cite the original description at AMNH in that confusing way...
You simply can not forget Zeide's snail pearl necklace.
Freshwater snails that is, tee hee
Here is the email that accompanied the claim:

Hi Caitlin,
Here are some perfetly raw pictures taken in daylight from some of my pearls. One is From Lop Noor, one are the true Mikis, one is a padparadsha, one is from freshwater snails, and one are lamprotulas.
---- Original Message ----
Subject: FW: Pearl pix
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 16:48:06 -0700
Hi Zeide,
Here are your pearl pictures.

Annd of course, not to mention the other strands she mentions which are just as phony-fied.


  • freshwater snails.JPG
    freshwater snails.JPG
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For the innocents, let me add that the above necklace is certainly a cultured freshwater- don't let arrogated authority fool y'all......not even for a moment.
If you really realy want, I'll post the other pictures from that email, except they aren't snails or even faux snail pearls.

BTW in another email from her, I found a picture purporting to be a strand of mylitus edulis! And they aren't even blue!!!
Since this thread is actually about red pearls- I just have to add the picture of Zeide's Lop Noors.

Now this is a red pearl necklace that is actually dyed freshwater even though zeide claimed differeent for months. (HI dugga!).

Do not believe the scam behind the curtain!


  • CIMG0282.JPG
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Actually I rather like the color, but I would never say it was anything but dyed. So these are the faux Lop Noors and the red ones I found somewhere are the faux, faux Lop Noors.

Anyone else find any faux, faux Lop Noors yet? Well if you didn't, you can always ask the Dalai Lama to share his! (He has the only other lop Noor necklace besides Z''s, according to z, that is........)
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Phew.... really wanted to forget about that episode!

But you're right Caitlin.. to remind that looking for exotic pearls may as well unearth false claims and what not. :o
At first I wanted refuse to call her by name --"she who must not be named" :p , but Slraep just came out and commented on her in the thread about funny pearl stories so I am following her lead.

And yes some people are dishonest yet fool others. Think of how well thought of Zeide was on this forum- even when she posited hooey, shear claptrap, nonsense, etc.

BTW I am on a hunt to edit or remove her most clear examples of balderdash, blather, bunkum, drivel, garbage, idiocy, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rigmarole, rubbish, tomfoolery, trash, twaddle. tommyrot. applesauce, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, crap, hooey, malarkey.

If you wouldn't mind, please PM me if you find a suspicious post.
Caitlin Williams said:
At first I wanted refuse to call her by name --"she who must not be named" :p , but Slraep just came out and commented on her in the thread about funny pearl stories so I am following her lead.

And yes some people are dishonest yet fool others. Think of how well thought of Zeide was on this forum- even when she posited hooey, shear claptrap, nonsense, etc.

BTW I am on a hunt to edit or remove her most clear examples of balderdash, blather, bunkum, drivel, garbage, idiocy, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rigmarole, rubbish, tomfoolery, trash, twaddle. tommyrot. applesauce, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, crap, hooey, malarkey.

If you wouldn't mind, please PM me if you find a suspicious post.

I missed Zeide "live" -- and yet I have read a gazillion of her pompous, but sometimes entertaining posts. Watch out Caitlin, it sounds like a sisyphean task to me!:eek:
Hi Caitlin,

What fond memories those red pearl pics from Zeide bring up!! NOT!!! She sent me the same pics of the snail pearls and blue mussel pearls too! My goodness, will the trauma of having had to ponder if they could possibly have been the real thing, ever go away?? Yes, I remember cringing at a post she sent me saying the Dalai Lama was the only other person in the world to have a string of red Lop Nur pearls and that only Bill Gates had enough money to buy her own strand!!

Ana, I know you want to forget the whole Zeide episode but if you really think about it, it's heaps of fun making fun of Zeide! She did take all the people on the Pearl-Forum for a major pearl rollercoaster ride without an ounce of pity. On moonless and windy nights, she sits at her computer and probably still chuckles to herself about it, admiring how she almost fooled everyone because she thought we were all stupid and gullible. Then, a few minutes later, she suddenly starts crying because she really loves pearls deep down inside but now her trolling "behind" has been relegated to the virtual pearl gulag!!!

Getting back to her infamous red Lop Nurs---She must have had one hell of a good laugh at us all when she posted them and nobody challenged her. For God's sake, that lake has been dead and dying for 50 years already, if not more. To think that even a single lone patch of pearl-bearing molluscs could survive there is an incredible stretch of the imagination. I like imagining that she actually had gone down to the Lop Nur Lake area in search of red pearls and the lingering radiation from the Chinese megs-ton nuclear explosions did something weird to her brain. But no, I suspect she was born that way.

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GemGeek said:
I missed Zeide "live" -- and yet I have read a gazillion of her pompous, but sometimes entertaining posts. Watch out Caitlin, it sounds like a sisyphean task to me!:eek:

There's a thin line between entertaining and crazy. Zeide's was very, very, very thin, if not nonexistant.

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I hope I never wear out my welcome -- I love you guys! Banishment -- it gives me the shivers!!!:eek:
"I hope I never wear out my welcome -- I love you guys! Banishment -- it gives me the shivers!!!"
Boy, no kidding GemGeek. Slraep gives me the cold shoulder and I find myself sleepless for nights on end.

It is kind of funny though that the infamous Zeide Erskine (great name BTW) was just blowing hot air. If I hadn't met Jeremy, as far as all of you know, I could be writing this from a prison cell in say, Detroit.
Caitlin, it sounds like a sisyphean task to me!

Yes, but it is fun. she had over 1,500 posts when she left (and that in less than a year!) Our own link-fiend Ana (as in Valeriana) is the only one close to Z in number of posts! Take a look and see what is left. When I get up on the wrong side of bed, I go hunting Zeide's more flagrant posts.

As I have been totally mellow for weeks, I've slipped behind in my self-sanctioned purge!

If I hadn't met Jeremy, as far as all of you know, I could be writing this from a prison cell in say, Detroit.
Hi Josh,
You really are too good to be true [blows kisses], so I was delighted that Jeremy checked you out and you are true! We all love your posts here, not to mention just getting to know you and your enviable lifestyle and your wholistic philosophy and your dashing persona, slightly tinged by our fantasies of Johnny Depp. ;) :p just kidding, just kidding

We didn't really ban Zeide. If we had, it would say banned by her name instead of pearl expert or superperforater or whatever. She left out of shame that her game was up and sorrow that she wasn't really who she pretended to be.
Caitlin Williams said:
....and your dashing persona, slightly tinged by our fantasies of Johnny Depp. ;) :p just kidding, just kidding

sorry he looks like Joel Osteen with a tan, or Ann Coulter. Take your pick.

See, I'm not ignoring you anymore Josh. Happy?
