Tahitians from Wen's


Mar 3, 2019
First off, thank you enablers! I made an order at Wen's Pearls since so many of you have good experiences with the shop and absolutely love everything I ordered. Someone in some thread I read mentioned mismatched earrings, and since I like odd things, I thought I'd try my hand at that. I ordered a drop and a keshi, each roughly 9-10mm.

Taken in indirect daylight.
Tahitians 4.jpg

True color image of earrings in the setting sun.

I need to rework the drop since both the bottom knot and top loop are too big. Kinda bummed that the drill hole is a little off from the bottom nub, but I'll live. Other than that, I love them. I've never had a favorite item of jewelry before, but I love these so much.

Just thought I'd share :D
So cute! Great colours, and I like the creative mismatch of shapes.
I keep thinking I have seen it all, and then I get a wonderful surprise like your earrings. So pretty!
What a beautiful combination of shapes and colors, Tamarinda. I think it would be difficult to get a clean through and through drill on that keshi as it looks to be quite concave in the middle. Have you considered using head pins instead of thread and gimp? You might be able to position a wire loop closer to the top of the pearl.
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OOOO, my two favorite earrings -- Drop earrings and mismatched earrings. I agree, redo the drop shaped one. The pearls are so pretty I think you should splurge on a more decorative earring finding, too.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I don't think I've ever been so happy about anything that wasn't food or hosiery LOL!

Marianne, the keshi is undrilled. It is mounted on a little seashell charm. And unfortunately, because the drill hole on the drop is juuuuust off-center at the bottom, every headpin I tried looked dreadful. I would have to glue in a post to just where the hole ends to avoid any unsightly protrusions, but I didn't really want to do that. Thread and gimp was the only way I could think of resolving the issue. I actually meant to get the drop half-drilled but mistakenly selected a through-hole. Doh!

BWeaves, I'd love some ideas on a nicer finding. My problem with dangles is weight. I can only wear these for a few hours before needing to take them off. I did see some really fun, silver cube posts with an eye for a dangle that I'm thinking of trying, but other than that, I've yet to think of something suitably fancy that doesn't look like it weighs a ton.
Tamarinda, you may be able to file the head of a head pin so that it is small enough to be recessed in the drill hole (but not so much that it can pass through the entire drill hole and exit out the top!) You could also use a reamer to widen the hole at the bottom so that the head of the pin slips in enough not to be visible.
I'm fond of the horseshoe lever back earring finding. It looks a little fancier than a hook, and the post goes straight through the ear and the lever snaps on the back, so the weight of the earring is more evenly balanced. I find that helps a bit with the weight issue. Plus, it's not going to accidentally work its way out of your ear hole.