Tahitian blizzard projects

Oh, so weird ... now the same right side up photo appears twice along with the dreaded question mark boxes ... I'm afraid I give up; imagination rules now. Sorry, Katbran.
LOl Thank you for trying CathyK ... much appreciated. Wish there was a rotation thingy on the edit function.

JP I love that ring...very pretty ! I like the design as it's a bit different to most pearl ring findings.

Cathy, Amti,Pattye and JP Thanks for the lovely comments :)

JP - I did make it all...tho after spending all that time I found the same basic thing at 2mm square - finished - for $8.00 ... No wonder people get discouraged with silversmithing! But..it's just fun for me..one day I'll gather up all my bangles and pearls put em on an Australian Etsy store. (That's what I say to John when he asks me my plans for all the stuff sitting around)..
Katbran, you all make gorgeous jewelry ... and my specialty is ... turning photos right side up again LOL! Happy to help, Photoshop feeds my creativity LOL ... just send me all your upside down photos ...
Katbran, you all make gorgeous jewelry ... and my specialty is ... turning photos right side up again LOL! Happy to help, Photoshop feeds my creativity LOL ... just send me all your upside down photos ...

Well thanks CathyK for your very kind words ! I don't have photoshop and desperately need to learn how to use it! I'm trying to get motivated!
JerseyPearl, just love the circles in circles, both long and short versions!
And this was the final snow storm project...I had to wait until the mail service was up and running again as I needed more Beader's Secret. These are the smooth surface "circles" from the latest lot of pearls from Jacques. The shapes are a bit mixed between drops, ovals, and near rounds...but the colors, oh the colors, are like little lights. I love my other strands, but the colors on this one are bright! IMG_3020.jpgIMG_3016.jpgIMG_3014.jpgIMG_3013.jpg
The iPhone really doesn't capture the bright banding of colors on these pearls. I tried to somewhat sort them by size but their placement is a bit random. I was actually thinking of using a little stone in between each pearl, but that kind of took away from the beauty of the pearls, so I didn't use them.
They are very pretty and colorful!
I know what you mean about the camera not catching the colors fully.
Amazing colors JP! How long is the strand?

I always thought circles meant the actual rings around the pearl that were part of the surface, but in this case, they are just the color bands. Good to know the real meaning of circles. :o

I have no snow where I'm at (and I like it that way), but have been working on a few projects. This is my latest one that is still incompete. I have to figure out what I'm going to do with the length and threading since the keshi have different sized holes than the pearls. The pearls are from Jac and are his baroque AAA pastels.
You're off to a lovely start, Amti :) I'll be watching this closely as I have 2 strands of Tahitians and the longing to mis them with keshi in some fashion ...
My strand above is 18"
Amti for the keshi and baroque project, have you thought of using wire and the little silicone spacers? or even tiny gold or silver beads? Alternatively, next to the larger pearls you could try knotting a different type of knot that would be larger. You should pose the question on the Lowly Beader's thread because I am sure they will know the best approach!
I ended up using 20# power pro in green, quadrupled. The keshi were either a .6 or .7 and I had added a couple of pearls to my project to make it longer, and they were drilled a size larger than the other pearls. I had to change out just one keshi to get them all to play nice together and knot in different ways when the pearls slipped through a simple knot. I wore the strand today and my mom loved it. I'll take photos when I can.

JP, your strand looks so much longer than 18"! I love the idea of little beads and used them on one of my projects. I never posted that necklace, but it uses the same pastels and akoyas. I had problems with my knots being too small and the gold beads going over them- I was so tempted to use wire and spacers but didn't have any of those tools. I will have to try out the wire and spacers next time because I'm afraid the edge of the beads might end up slicing the thread. I'd have to get a whole new set of tools for wiring too, wouldn't I? I do enjoy the knotting... something very calming about it. :)
Wow both of your necklaces are divine JP and Amti! Well done and enjoy ;)