Storing pearls in a safe


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
We're looking into a safe for jewelry, watches, and other valuables - until last fall I only owned about 6 pearls in earrings and pendants. Now that is changing (rapidly, thank you all for passing along the bug!) So I've been reading all this info about pearls needing to breathe. I'm assuming that means a safe would be a no-no?

We keep our house fairly humid, partly due to DC being a swamp and partly due to two room unit and one whole-house humidifiers to help out with my allergies, the 150 orchids, and the cockatoo (no one ever accused us of being normal), so I never worried about pearls drying out before. Should I have? But will the safe keep too much humidity _out_, or is it more than the humidity I should be worried about?

In a response to a question to PP here, it says, "Wearing the pearls is very good for them since they are porous and the natural oils are beneficial to keeping them from becoming brittle.", but the Caring For Your Pearls card that came with my PP order says, "The natural acids contained in body oils and perspiration can also damage pearls in the same way." So I'm a bit confused there. Any suggestions, or point me to another thread if this is misplaced?

Thank you!
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If they are in a safe (a dry environment) keep a glass of water not too far from them for moisture. (Check it periodically to be sure it hasn't all evaporated.) And wear them!
I understand the body's natural oils to be good for the pearls, but that you need to clean them with a soft cloth after you wear them, to remove excess oil and prevent build up. I guess its one of those moderation type of issues.

I must comment on the orchids. I have been telling husband for a few years now that in our next house I want an orchid room. He use to work with a guy who has a love of orchids. Hearing about them got me interested and now I want my own room. We too are from NoVa and when we return home I think I will get my wish.
Humidors as pearl storage?

Humidors as pearl storage?

I have seen desktop to cabinet sized humidors that are tempature and humidty controlled, and lockable. Is there any reason why one of these wouldn't work as long term storage for pearls? Outside of the ceder smell that is.
I've seen those. My dad has one for his camera. It's really humid in Singapore so he uses it to control temperature and keep down humidity. I suppose it could work for pearls and it is heavier than the average jewellery storage case, but not quite heavy enough to deter a determined thief.
If they are in a safe (a dry environment) keep a glass of water not too far from them for moisture. (Check it periodically to be sure it hasn't all evaporated.) And wear them!

I think that could become a problem if the glass of water should get overturned:eek: and as in my case, I have lots of documents nearby. Besides that I think it is enough when you once in a while take your pearls out and wear them. Don?t forget to wipe them clean afterwards, some people do have a PH-grade that is not so good for pearls and acids also can damage the pearls. However the nice thing with a safe is, that a thief couldn?t take it, our safe is huge and weighs about 500 pounds!:D
I think that could become a problem if the glass of water should get overturned and as in my case, I have lots of documents nearby.

Yes; I suppose one could use one of those tip-resistant wide-bottomed travel mugs they used to make for putting on the dashboard of the car --mine had a grippy rubber bottom to keep it from sliding off the dashboard! Remember those? These were sold before cars started being equipped with beverage holders. I see them all the time at thrift stores and second-hand shops.

Nowadays mugs marketed as "travel mugs" have a narrower base, for sticking into beverage holders.

I still recommend just using your pearls rather than locking them away. It's too easy to forget to use them-- "out of sight, out of mind." However, they are more vulnerable -- a friend of mine had her gem quality Akoya wedding strand stolen during a break-in. Her husband later replaced them, but something that sentimental can never really be replaced. She'll always know they aren't the same ones she was married in. :(
I definitely understand the out of sight, out of mind concept. I am hoping that doesn't happen. As it is, I tend to wear my things really often since I enjoy jewelry so much, and the really formal pieces that I wear only w/ evening gowns... I like to take out and drool over. :-) Makes my hubbie feel good, too, since he purchased them for me! I was hoping my penchance for drooling/wearing would override the hassle of the safe, but one never really knows...

Thank you all for the info and ideas!
if the glass of water should get overturned

How about stuffing a large diameter , but short, drinking glass with a wet sponge? Or even put a wet sponge in a ziplock bag, but don't zip it?
Just a thought.....
What in the world ever happened to that humidor idea we had going a few months ago? Thanks for reminding me, Karl.
How about stuffing a large diameter , but short, drinking glass with a wet sponge? Or even put a wet sponge in a ziplock bag, but don't zip it?
Just a thought.....

That sounds like a very reasonible idea, both cheap and much safer than any other open container, Caitlin.
Why not insure them instead of putting them in a safe so if they are lost or stolen, you can buy new ones! What fun!
Why not insure them instead of putting them in a safe so if they are lost or stolen, you can buy new ones! What fun!

That is an excellent idea! Why didn't I think of that? :)

I'm okay with that as all of my pearls except one were purchased by me. I guess that for some others, it might not work cuz they have pearls with sentimental value and those pearls are irreplaceable.

When you insure it, do you put down retail cost or replacement cost? I think it's replacement cost, and as it changes from year to year, you would adjust the value in the policy?
Some pearl shops keep pearls in a special kind of 'wrap' that also keeps then under reasonable humidity and keeps many strands from touching each other. No idea what it is called, never seen these sold retail, but again, the thing only holds pearls and it is meant to keep dozens of strands at a time - outside this forum :cool: perhaps not many found buyers of such specialized support aside pearl sellers!

What it looks like; imagine a roulade of thick quilted velvet (two layers, with a thin bouret layer and something impermeable in between) with peral filling :p It can double onto itself and closes with three ribbons - mid way and at each end. Each strand is kept straight running the length of the roll by little hook & eyes made of fabric (no scratches).

You can mist the inside just a little to keep moisture up w/o damaging the threads. The idea is just to compensate for the desert-dry city / vault environment, not soak the pearls.

The object is inconspicuous and portable. And you get to see all your strand side by side on black velvet when the roll opens flat. Said jewelers managed to make a heck' of a show of that gesture alone! ;)

Anyone knows the object I am trying to describe here?
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My 12 year old daughter bought some of the green tinted round water retaining beads a few days ago at a toy/gift shop --rehydrated, they are as big as marbles, firm yet delightfully squishy and they even bounce! They are non toxic (but not edible). My cat watched, wide-eyed, as we bounced them on the table. :p
Hi ana101

Yes I do know what you are describing. My sister has one she made herself. It would be great to find some online........If I could think of what they are called.
My sister has one she made herself.

Same approach here - my beads live in one during the short breaks when they are actually strung :o as opposed to kept loose in a bowl...

The 'professional' ones were definitely for show. There should be a source somewhere.
Yes, I do think I know what you're talking about. I think they have a very techincal name -- uh, jewelry roll. Truly, that's what I know them by. I never thought of the misting thing. The mold issues would concern me, though. I know you're not talking about soaking it, but still, fabric left misted with no ventilation could be a breeding ground. If they have a more technical name, I'm unaware of it. I've seen them used for other pieces besides pearls such as keeping 50-100 chains in a small space without tangling.