Kat, I was actually saying the more exposure you have, the greater the risks...but that doesn't mean a single exposure isn't harmful. Unfortunately, all it takes is once to increase that risk...and the more times you are exposed the greater that risk becomes. It is classified as a probable carcinogen here in the states, which means that you should not be using the stuff without proper protection. A concentration as what was found in the oyster is not ambient level...it is very high.
You have cleared it up for meI was in a bit of a rush and should have taken a bit more care in what I was saying. I agree with you and that's basically where I was going or trying to go..
I think the solution is simple : to get any guarantees from suppliers that their oysters are preserved in ethanol (which is anyway the right manner to do), without formaldehyde.
Without these covenants, no orders, and suppliers will quickly understand where is their own interest.
Edit : maybe a few customs states are more picky with alcohol import than any other chemicals, because they might be more knowledgeable about tax questions than people health... To answer, 70% alcohol is not the strongest, but now it's well known by scientifics that it is the right percentage for the best of bactericidal effect, against strong alcohol as that was believing before.
I suspect that this sort of stuff is simply banned in the EU. One more reason why we should not be leaving
Sorry, sure I have not well understood your phrase, Pearlescence. I am talking about a reaction from retailers, in the world, first.
Thank you, Pearl Dreams... My poor english is annoying for everybody, I should so much want to talk easier with you.
Brexit or not, danger of formaldehyde is valid for all the earth, where are sold these oysters.
It's also a problem with web market, where weapons, sometimes, or very dangerous chemicals, always, can be bought easely, even in Europe, even to europeen sellers. Customs can't right control such a great number of shipments. It's why I have suggested a buyers' action itself. It's why, also, I have explained an other right way to preserve oysters without dangers fo users, to give to buyers any means to negociate with producers, according to the interest of everyone.
Yep, that's not a small bug! I should be interested to know frensh import label, the same as in UK, I think.
That makes me think of biggest freshwater pearls'beads which can make with tridacna clams nacre, protected specy... But if these beads are difficult to identify by customs, that's less for the difference between pearls and oysters!
I don’t mind if my pearls take an extra week to arrive if customs have to start checking every package marked pearls? If it means these things are found and stopped from entering the country.