25MM Black Tahitian Pearl.


New Member
Mar 27, 2015
I need some assistance in locating someone qualified to certify and appraise this pearl. I am located in Charlotte, NC and would appreciate if there was someone that I could speak with in my local area. I really don't know much about it, It an heirloom that has been in the family for at least 4 generations. I am not aware of any "provenance" papers, to the best of my knowledge from speaking with relatives they may have disappeared in a house fire. An appraisal may also have been with those same papers. All I know at this time is its a natural pearl, not cultured, perfectly round no flaws that I am aware of. Its slightly larger than a marble shooter in size, as far as I am aware is measured to be 25MM. It's reflective like a mirror and has a rainbow of tones to it. The picture I've posted truly doesn't do it justice, but I am working on getting some better photos taken. I am interested in selling it but not sure how to go about that as I have been unable to find a comparison specimen or anyone who is a pearl expert to speak with concerning how to market this rarity.
I hope someone on here can help me. Please email or message me if you have any guidance to offer.


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Welcome to Pearl Guide.

My first thought is that it does not look like a natural pearl and it may not be a pearl at all. Does it have a pendant finding attached? It could be a mallorca pearl - a type of artificial pearl?

The likelihood of it being natural and perfectly round and 25mm is incredibly small. Still, I would love to see a closeup on a white paper towel. Look for a macro setting on your camera -a little flower symbol.
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That was my thought too Blaire. Ignoring the fact that it's 4 generations old, reported as natural and perfectly round, the size alone is a red flag.

At 25mm I think you'd be tied for the largest tahitian pearl ever found.

Better pics are definitely needed...
Thank you so much for the suggestions I will get better pictures taken as soon as possible I wasn't sure what background to use and a white paper towel sounds like a wonderful suggestion.
Any suggestions as to who I could contact to validate its authenticity or lack thereof....after all I am only going on information passed down through the family.
In answer to your question GemGeek... it has no indications of ever having been set or "drilled"(?) for the purpose of making it into a jewelry item of any kind. I really would like to determine if it is actually what is claimed by my family or if they are just full of it...From what I have read it can be difficult to locate someone with the expertise to accurately certify pearls...At least that is what I have read in some of the forum postings.
I'll be honest with you. The odds of it being a pearl, even a cultured one, are so out there, that I would have to say it is not a pearl. On the other hand, I am very interested to see better photos. Family stories have a way of morphing over time. It could be that someone found a glass bauble in the water and assumed it was a pearl and the story spread from there. You definitely have my curiosity up! :)
You could try showing it to a jeweler and see what they say. An appraiser needs to charge for their opinion, so I would try to get some free advice first. We can tell more from a good close-up. :)
All I know at this time is its a natural pearl, not cultured, perfectly round no flaws that I am aware of. Its slightly larger than a marble shooter in size, as far as I am aware is measured to be 25MM. It's reflective like a mirror and has a rainbow of tones to it. The picture I've posted truly doesn't do it justice, but I am working on getting some better photos taken. I am interested in selling it but not sure how to go about that as I have been unable to find a comparison specimen or anyone who is a pearl expert to speak with concerning how to market this rarity.

A 25mm flawless natural, black pearl is infinitely improbable if not impossible. Of all the known valuable large natural pearls in the world, none are flawless nor perfectly round.

As others suggested, I'm also concerned this is not a pearl.