South Seas heaven!

More South Seas Heaven!!

More South Seas Heaven!!

More SS heaven from my Valentines! This time a WSS ring paired with my tin cup SS necklace from Cees! btw I’m in a badly need of a manicure, but with this pandemic I’ve been trying to avoid all places unless really needed!
Happy Valentine's Day!
OMG...the pearl on the Ring!
That is one serious contender against the "Preciouss"!!!
The lustre and Orient are Stunning!
Happy Valentine's Day! :cool:
The One Rule them All! :cool:
Whoa! Those are some major pearls! Can’t wait to see a neck shot of the oval gss
Good morning everyone :)
Just merged this thread with the "More South Seas Heaven" thread so they are just one.
Thank you your kind compliments everyone!

Thank you Douglas for merging both threads!

Here’s a couple more pictures of the oval GSS, it’s very pretty and will be wearing often!

Wow! Those look like 22 or 24K golden tones...not that easy to find. They are gorgeous and look great on you!