Cees found me another treasure, a new golden south sea strand!

Two weeks is really a long walkabout! The most time my cat was ever MIA was 18 hours.
2 weeks is a long time. The owner was so happy, he said she's them most cuddly cat, are sterilised and still wanders away.
Two more photos to show the amazing overtones.
With my white south sea huggies and a white south sea pendant from Pearlsociety.
I would proably use that pendant more if it was on an enhancer, but the finding is so nice.
Dang. Nice photos! I feel like there should also be some token cat photos. :)
Octavia's Mom, I forgot to take any cat photos yesterday. But I posted some in another tread last week when my little cat was heping me taking photos at home. I will post some of them for you.
For you Octavia's Mom. First the biggest one. The photos of her are on the same spot, a year apart. New photos.
November last year. She has grown so much.
Little kitten helping with the pearls.
She guards them she says.
With the tiny blue tahitian strand.
Wierd weather here, -9C last weekend and +7C this weekend. You can see the frost in these photos. Little kitten is always helpful with pearls, she especially likes to give them a wack in they are sorted in graduated order. She did wack at my waverope.
What beautiful pearls, and your newest photos are great. I love your clasps. I wonder if you would share where you get them. They’re elegant but also look to be secure and easy on the hands.

I’m smiling at your not-husband’s willingness to drive an hour and a half so you can take pearl photos. So sweet.

Love the kitty pics!
Thank you multichrome, the clasp are really inexpensive ones from Beadsfeeder on etsy. When I first bought some of them I didn't think that they would last, but I have used them for over a year and with some of my strands very frequently. They feel as secure as when I bought them, not a single one has changed color in any way, one little stone has fallen of on one of the connector rings and they don't itch. I am allergic to nickel so that’s great. I have saved all of my other clasps just to be safe, but I really like these clasps.
I have also told not-husband that if he drives up there during the next couple of weeks (he has to go up with building supplies anyway), then he will have to bring my new Pearlescence studs that ought to arrive during the next week, and photograph them. He wasn't to thrilled about that, he don't think that he can take any good photos. Since I have seen his other photos I sadly have to agree...
That’s so helpful about the clasps. I’m allergic to nickel, too, so I’m always looking for truly nickel-free findings. Thank you!
multichrome, all findings and jewelry in europe have to be nickel free, it's a law. When I was little I could hardly buy any jewelry at all in sweden, they would all itch. I could only use 18k gold or plastic earrings. But the last decade or two (don't remember really) that has not been a problem for me at all. In America findings can legally have nickel in them. I had to sew little patches on the inside of my jeans over the rivets when I was younger. There were a lot of rivets. Now I don't have to think about it anymore, except for when I buy findings from outside of europe. That wendor on etsy has probably adapted to european law. I have some findings from Wendy as well, and they are also nickel free. Other european wendors that sell findings ought to have nickel free findings as well.
That is great information, Charlotta. I wish the US would adopt that standard for metal findings. Like you, I’ve had the allergy from childhood. I couldn’t wear any costume jewelry, and jeans studs, or metal clothing snaps, or even safety pins would give me a terrible, itchy rash. My mother and grandmother had the same allergy. I am fine with ordering from international vendors on Etsy, especially for the sake of my health!

I like niobum and titanium findings, as they’re non-reactive for me, as well as Argentium sterling silver. . I usually get those from CreatingUnkamen on Etsy, who is a US artisan and vendor.

Many people have never heard of a nickel sensitivity. I thought it was a lot more common than it is.

Thank you again for your info—and your sigh-worthy pearl photos and cute kitty pics!
Nickel allergy is really common, but since many companies haven't used it in about 20 years or so people don't get those rashes anymore. I cannot remember last time that happened to me.
Charlotte, so many beautiful Golden ! Your new strand looks lovely on you.
The goldens are lovely, but it's almost not fair showing it with your rainbow strand. That rainbow strand knocks my socks off.
My 11,2mm deep golden south sea studs finally arrived after being in the mail for almost 2 weeks. They are a beautiful match for my new golden strand. The photography light isn't that great. These studs are just beautiful and the perfect size as well.