South Sea pearls - opinions on quality please?

Unfortunately you have hit the nail on the head with that, Perlinda.

Yes, most farmers here only want to export their pearls only, even though I have explained to them that Philippines isn't even our main market yet! I believe the farms here also have contracts/joint ventures with some Japanese companies, and they are contractually bound to send their pearls to Japan as well (I can't be entirely sure of this, it's just what I have heard here and there here in the Philippines). Some farmers also prefer to send their pearls to Japan for processing and then they are resold by Japanese companies.

I don't know if the leftovers get sold locally or general I find it almost impossible to trust any sellers here in the Philippines, I'm being very careful! I'm sure jewellery stores here have their own sources and most probably buy from HK, but there are some stores who claim that their pearls are from Palawan, and i'm not sure if I should believe that as I've always been told the farmers do not sell locally.
Thank you for taking my post in the spirit in which it was intended. :)

Good luck with your educational meeting plans. From small acorns mighty oaks grow!

Oh yes, I definitely hope so! I really hope that people are happy with the talk. The daunting thing about this is that, by doing so I will be opening myself up to a lot of criticism. So I had better be prepared!

If anyone has any tips on how to check for any sort of treatment in pearls, please email me so I can add to my knowledge bank. I'm sure consumers would find those tips uh-ma-zing!!! you can all reach me at :)
Most pearls produced in indonesia are definitely bound for exports as there is this belief from farmers ( or could be true) that buyers ( local or otherwise) in indonesia tend to ask for much cheaper price just because it is from the 'source'. While a simple export/ticket to Hong Kong/japan for such high value goods will net better prices. And then there are those which are joint ventures/contracted who must sell through either Australia or Japan.

Interesting note about stolen pearls Valerene, that is a big problem in Indonesia too. Though there are no official records or such, quite a few of the pearl farmers I spoke too ( who don't have a farm in Lombok area) claims that most pearls sold in Lombok are either imported, or stolen pearls. These are just word of mouth from farmers not in lombok mind you so I can't take their word for it. In fact, it could be just that farmers around NTB, Bali, and NTT provinces are doing much better than other areas. Though reports from local farmers around Aru, Tual and even Irian areas claim losses per year of around 2000- 3000 oysters from theft per farmer. Maybe more but farmers I know tend to hate talking about being robbed.

Or it could be just reaction to the fact that police reports of pearl theft tend to end up COSTING the farmers money and no result.
I'm not sure how big a problem oyster/pearl robbery is in the Philippines, but I think security is always a big priority here. Right after the harvest, none of the pearls are ever left on the farm. There have also been cases where pearl farms were broken into, raided by armed men a few years ago...

I think the biggest reason why local producers don't sell locally is probably because they already have big international buyers who would buy the whole harvest, and not pick and choose.
Robberies of pearl farms in Indonesia doesn't usually happen post harvest but preharvest. So the oysters are stolen right in the middle of the sea from pirates usually a few months before harvest as they pay off farm workers to tell them which of the pearls are ready for harvest. It is hard breaking for the farmers and well, us who know them whenever it happens.
wow. it all sounds so well-planned. the sad thing is that the farm workers are so easily bought off.

i'm not sure what the statusquo on pearl farm robberies is like here in the philippines, maybe some of the farmers who are on this forum (like Jacques from Jewelmer) can answer better. that would be something interesting to know.
Hi everyone,

this is my first posting on PG. Have been reading it for quite some time and it's nice to know people who are really interested in pearls.

My family has been in the industry for almost 20 years now and it's time for me to learn more about the business. We own two farms in Borneo and specialise in South Sea Pearl. I really hope to learn more about pearl from this site apart from my dad. I plan to come out with the company website and hope to share the beauty of our pearls with people out there especially pearl enthusiasts around the world. Our market is mainly Japan, but planning to venture into local market. Hope to hear more from you guys!
Hi and welcome.

Please read the forum rules about advertising things for sale or giving their prices. We like to have farmers and sellers here, but not to get advertised at. Although you are welcome to post lots of photos of pieces you made or really special pearls.

The items can be ones you sold in the past- we just want to get to know you and your pearls. Anyone interested on this forum can get directly in touch with you through the Private Messaging or PM system...

Please put your contact info or website under the signature section. Then people can also contact you through your site or your email.
Hi Valerene!

I'm from Sabah to be exact. Well, if you're familiar with the place, you know that Sabah is very popular with pearls though I am not sure where do they get the source.

We produce the same kind of pearls from pinctada maxima. I am not the expert, but I personally love white round pearl :)

I attach few pictures here. I find it's really hard to capture white pearl as the lighting often ruin the colour. I just take it using my iPhone without editing. Hope it justifies the colour. The white strand is mine. I chose the pearl. The picture clearly shows the flaws, but I love the imperfection that makes it looks perfect to me. The other one is what we refer as golden strand, also a personal belonging. For some reason, local people like golden pearl that seems like a gold to them, isnt it? The length is double as standard.

Hi Nurain,

I'm not sure about all the pearl activity in Sabah, I am from your neighbouring state. Are there a lot of experimental farms around Sabah? Because from my understanding, Edward Kong's farm is the only commercial SSP farm in Malaysia. Has this changed?

Your pearls are lovely!
Those are some awesome pearls! I didn't know sabah has pearl farms, that is wonderfu news. I do know that sabah has a heck of a lot fish farms.