Some of Bodecia's Pearls

Hi Bo,

I am not given to just browse, but I certainly would like to have a ring like yours. Do you know whether you seller has some more in this absolutely gorgeous price range?:)
Hi Bodecia,
All your Ebay finds are lovely. I am lusting after your gold pearl brooch and ring. They are so unusual and quite beautiful.
My husband just bought his mid-life crisis Mustang and I negotiated a pearl look out pearl world...woo hoo.

Lucky man.
I'd actually swap a fair few of my pearls for a Mustang......
Isn't the mid-life crisis great ?

Love your pendant, too, Silversea.
I once had something very similar, but set with amethysts.
Hi jerin,

I am not given to just browse, but I certainly would like to have a ring like yours. Do you know whether you seller has some more in this absolutely gorgeous price range?

The seller only had one pearl ring and that was it. Mostly diamonds and other gemstone rings. It is not hard to find this type of ring but you just have to do the right kind of search and do it often until you find what you want. Many will go sky high but sometimes you just get a feel you are bidding on the right item and that for some reason others aren't seeing what you are. Don't know how to explain how I win so many items at good prices other than a 6th sense but it is often up to the orginal type of search you do. And how you bid, that is important. Very important. PM me ... will be up for another 3 hours. Have items to pack to post off tomorrow so have to finish that off but am doing the last lots in front of my computer so will check back every 1/2 hour or so.

So what I need to know is what exactly are you looking for. Age, type of gold, pearl type, just everything you can think of that you want in a ring. Then I can think up good searches for you to keep trying. Or several different searches, different ways etc. PM me if you want. If I get time tonight I will do a couple of quick searches for similar rings.

Hi Pearllove,

All your Ebay finds are lovely. I am lusting after your gold pearl brooch and ring. They are so unusual and quite beautiful.

Thanks so much. Haven't got them yet but I am sure they will arrive safely. 99 out of 100 do. Lusting after pearls and pearl items is something I understand all too well.

....But girls - can you tell me what a Budget is :D


I'm using the "just starting to build my collection" excuse to create a budget guideline [ahem]. So far no luck on a number or a percentage of my GDP, though. Advice is needed here! :eek:
A Poem about the Budget on Pearls

A Poem about the Budget on Pearls

An Oda to the Budget on Pearls

Budget for pearls is something like Harry Potter potions:
You take a bit of your regular budget,
And add something which was successfully moved
From one of your pockets to another one,

After some time bring in some extra from what you managed to sell
Because you realised that you want pearls more that other things you get before!
After mixing and stiring
You get an acceptable (so far) budget for pearls
Which you spend usually in one strech for some next object of passion,

...And then it starts all over again.

In the 'accumulation phase' you earnestly believe that now you REALLY REALLY stop and don't buy pearls anymore :D
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Hi jerin,

You still have me chuckling over our language barrier. But here is a link that I think will take you to one of my items and from there you should be able to look at the rest of my offerings or items. :)

I have never linked my ebay name before so not sure it will work. If not just try dawncee333 as I told you. You are a barrel of laughs or Goldfish. Please don't take that the wrong way. Meant in the best of friendship. Will add a couple of my latest loves so you can see what I mean. Hope I can manage to size at the moment, especially after 2 to 4 beers. Think I managed.

Will, and am at the moment doing my searches for you for a suitable ring. Wish I had one for you that I could bear to part with but you know what it is like. Love, lust for pearls. When I find what you want I will post to you details and you can decide if you want to bid or get me to do it for you.

You are a scream and I do wish I could speak Chinese, but I can't. If any regulars can maybe you could translate for us. Our in depth language barriers are hilarious but won't help Jerin find her pearl ring as fast. Will keep looking Jerin. :) promise when I find a suitable one it will be for you and not me even if it kills me.

Bye for now, Bodecia aka Dawn
dawncee333 on eBay - finally out of the closet as being a dreaded eBay seller. But I am an honest one and look after my customers.


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Blue grey Beautiful Peal, lousy setting what is opinion

Blue grey Beautiful Peal, lousy setting what is opinion

Hi just spotted this.

What kind of pearl is it. Or does anyone think it is.

Bo - Dawn
Hi Bodecia,

I've been looking through older threads on this forum, and saw your beautiful brooch.

If it is American (almost certainly, by the look of it) and 12K, then it is pre-1906. The 1906 Metals Stamping Act eliminated 12K and anything under 10K gold for use in jewelry. The trombone clasp was widely used approx. 1890-1915, and again in the 1940s. However, the pin base of your clasp is very 1890s.

Also, I'm a pearl-crazy sleuth too, and I give a 99.99% chance that the pearl in the brooch is natural. Cultured half-pearls do show up in American jewelry in the 1890s, but they are pretty easy to spot. Also, the design and quality of your brooch are perfectly consonant with the use of a natural oriental pearl.
Some of Bodecia's Pearls

Hi All,

Finally I am listing again. I thought I would add a couple of photos for the Natural's list. Opinions always welcome.

Here are a ring with what I am sure is a natural pearl although I will try and find a better photos of it. This one is not that great, as far as photos go. I have another one too and must sell one so I thought I would ask opinions as to which one to sell and which one to keep. Need to find a photo of the other one so I can list that too. Will try for tonight/today depending on where you are. I love them both, but this one although the setting is rather plain is stunning or so I think and the other one has an elaborate setting as well. Both are about 5-6 mm pearls.

There is my Antique Seed Pearl necklace which I must part with. I have been wondering whether to offer it with a natural pendant or alone. Probably alone as on ebay that is often the best way to go. But although the pearls are tiny I love it. I love all my pearls, especially naturals.

Then I have a Natural Pearl ring with this lot. Help Barry not try to work so much with his health (heart) problems. I love this one too and have a pendant to match it. I could wear the pendant ofcourse but better they end up together. They are just so beautiful but I am really not sure what kind of naturals (if) they are. The ring itself is too small for me in size although all up it is big. I could have it size but with having no nails left (due to nail disease) I would look like mutton dressed up as lamb again. :) I think they are gorgeous but I don't know what kind of Naturals they are. I am 95% at least sure they are naturals. I hate to say 100%, especially here. Not that I would on ebay anyway. Too bloody honest for that. But actually I am 99% sure it is a natural. If anyone thinks they know what kind of natural would really appreciate it.

At first ages (years, or whenever I bought it) I thought it would was probably a Mississippi River pearl but know I am not so sure. It looks to have too much lustre as if it is a saltwater pearl. So if you pearl lovers and experts can help out I would really appreciate it.

Will list a few more as I find the photos. I have to swap between my iMac and my normal PC as my PC is Windows 7 and it won't accept photos from my cameras. What a pain. I have to crop and size on my imac and then transfer then for ease over to my PC to list on eBay. Computers - :((

I have got some more but I am a bit pedantic about photos so throw most of them out as they are not up to scatch and apart from cropping and sizing I don't like to alter them. I hate to touch up photos and also have found when I could use a program like Adobe (years back) that if you try to get them right you end up with "touched up" photos and I really hate that. I won't buy a pearl or anything if it looks like it has been touched up so why and I feel it is truly dishonest. So I try to take decent photos and end up throwing out a lot :)

Please do let me know what you think these are. I hate to list incorrectly. But still I am sure they are naturals. I have been taking photos for so many days I am brain dead and also between transferring them to my PC losing half of them (on my computer) and having to do it all again - ugg.

eBay ID - dawncee333


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Based only on the photos, they look like natural saltwater to me; and nice ones.

Hi TK Stern,

Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I know I have not been online much these days but your, actually especially your opinion means a lot to me. Do you have any idea of what I could or expect to get if I listed them on ebay. I realise I am not supposed to advertise here but if anyone is interested I need to sell because of my husband's heart attack. I love naturals and have tried to collect them, ohh so slowly, naturally, and hate to part with them but I need to. I don't want to give them away. Just want a reasonable price. Nothing flash. But the more info I can get on them the more it will help me. I am trying to crop the matching pendant at the moment so I can put up the photo and it is huge, well to me, as it is app 1/2"" and the hanging pearl is about 6 or 7 mm. So as I said the more info I can get the better. I bought a special necklace for the pendant with 22k findings but I just can't keep it now. Not with Barry's heart attack. It is sort of like ripping a part of me out of me. But better that than Barry having to go on working too long, too hard and well etc.

I truly envy you your gorgeous collection. I love the colour green so won't say green with envy. Nah. I am not really that way anyway. I truly appreciate you sharing the photos of your lovelies with us all. Just too look and lust is wonderful.

Tom, I do not know if I am breaking the rules here but if you wanted to by the set for a half reasonable price I would sell to you. I would prefer you to have them than someone on ebay who would never truly appreciate their beauty.

I can or you can email me privately if you wish. So sorry if I have broken any rules of the list.

More photos available and hope I can list soon.

Thanks again Tom, Dawn
Oh, Good Luck Bodecia! I hope you get a great price, and that Barry gets better rapidly. So scary, but he can recover and you can have many years together still.

I agree with Lisa. Your pearls are beautiful and they will assist the one you love. Just remember that there will be other opportunities later when things are better.

Hi GemGeek & All Pearl Lovers,

I always in things getting better, not always this time around but eventually, maybe in a life after this. Not religion, I have none, but just my beliefs. I do believe in Karma so maybe I was not a very nice person before this life. Don't know, but if so, well life was not meant to be easy this time around and I had lessons to learn. I think I have. :)

Thank you for your best wishes. I really do appreciate them. Truly. Caring for others is always more important than the other things (pearls) that we love. Hard choice sometimes though :)

Maybe, I will gather some more natural pearls and other pearls we so much love to love but if not, I have will have my other loves. I guess apart from my husband that is my animals. I am not a people person, I have always and probably always will love my dogs love first, then there is always other animals that I love and that love me without conditions. They never yell at me and I never yell at them. We never hurt each other, intentionally or non intentionally. Okay, not quite true. Cats sometimes rip a slice out out me if I pick up a stray thinking it is one of the cats I know. My dog (only one living), will occasionally jump up and as I am getting old my skin breaks easily but this is nothing to the animals that give us love. Their LOVE is unconditional.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone but I love what we call animals far more than any love I felt for so called humans. I didn't always feel this way, thought I was "normal" but no I am not. I will be leaving whatever, though it be ever so small, to care for Gorillas, Bonobos, Wild African Dogs and other endangered animals. So in a way I do hope I out live my husband as horrible as that sounds. He might leave anything we have to his family. They don't deserve it. My five nephews and nieces don't deserve it. The Earth Does. The animals of our beautiful earth that we have polluted and over-populated do and anything I can do to further their existence I will do.

I do truly believe that even if Barry had not had his heart attack I would have, sooner rather than later came to my decision to sell, and donate to the Animals of Our Beautiful Earth, and make sure that the donation went to the animals that need it most. I know the person to contact, that would not steer me wrong. Her name is Jane Goodall, many of you will know her. I will contact her soon. I have read all her books, or think I have. Actually my love of many animals came from reading some of her books. In particular her book "Innocent Killers" - please look it up, please read it and fall it love with the so called killers as I did. I first read this when I was about 25 or so years of age. I am now 61 and I do think this book has influenced my mind and my opinions for at least that many years. I am not saying that much has not been done on the subject and furthered the subject since. But this book is a classic, a first and should be loved and read as such.

So, even if all goes well in my life and Barry's it is much better if I sell most of what I have gathered over a life time of living and sometimes excess to the Earth and Her animals.

GemGeek, my apologies to have whacked this under your name, I can only hope you feel the same as do..


or ebay name dawncee333
More Natural Saltwater Pearls

More Natural Saltwater Pearls

I have finally managed to get the other pearls size so that I could upload them here. Took a while, didn't it.

I am not sure which pearl ring to keep. The one with the more elaborate setting attached here or the one I listed before.

The Pendant here is about 1/2" and the drop pearl about 8mm. Had to crop a couple into two parts to get it to the correct size. :(

I love them all. Let me know what you think.

Hope they can go into the Natural's library.

eBay ID - dawncee333


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Dawn, only you can decide what's best for you. I have a very good friend who feels just as you do. She's told me that if she dies before me, she's leaving me my favorite of her pearl pendants, also leaving favorite jewels for two other friends, and the rest of her estate goes to animal welfare organizations.

She was abused as a child, so is sensitive to the abuse of animals, and is determined to defend those who cannot defend themselves. ;)