Some of Bodecia's Pearls

Thank you for trusting us with your deepest thoughts and feelings.
Hi, and thanks so much. Wish I didn't have to sell but I do. I would still like some opinions on which of the 5 to 6 mm rings to keep. Love them both but they are both different enough and once I part with one I will feel that I can unconditionally love the other :)

I still have 2 or 3 items to list i.e. naturals. Will do so soon.

Thanks again, Dawn
Hi Dawn
Very thought-provoking posts in addition to the lovely pearl photos. I have actually written you deep answers twice and lost both to the loading process. I can't recreate them, but to say heart doctors know what they are doing; they are very good at fixing ailing hearts, so I have good hopes for Barry's recovery. I also know how scary serious heart problems are to the family; I can understand how this kind of experience can open new directions in the life. a shedding of what doesn't matter and a redirection of energy to what does matter.

I am wondering if you intend to close your buying, making, selling business- or is this just your personal collection of naturals and does not involve your eBay store?

Good luck!
Some Of My Natural Pearl

Some Of My Natural Pearl

I am wondering if you intend to close your buying, making, selling business- or is this just your personal collection of naturals and does not involve your eBay store?

Hi All,

Thanks for your best wishes with selling my Natural Pearls etc and life in general.

I have another photo to add here. I didn't take the photo but the pendant brooch is mine. :) well at least for the time being.

Caitlin, I will still be designing and selling on ebay. Can't stop in fact I have only just got back to it after way too long. I had things listed in my shop but unless you have auctions too you are not working at it. For a time there was just too much going on in many ways and I was down in the dumps. Finally pulled myself out of it and started working and designing again. And decided to sell most of my own collection too.

So Pearl Lovers keep an eye on my store for goodies coming up. Have sold some lovely pieces in the last week. I am exhausted.

Will keep a few pieces of my own jewellery for sure but I really don't need all that I have and only drool over them. :o

Thanks for thinking of me. I too need to copy and paste or loose so much that I have on the computer. :( Think computers hate me sometimes.

Let me know what you think of the Georgian piece. I will take some photos of it myself too and upload them.

eBay ID dawncee333


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Hi All,

More photos for the collection. These are my stick pins. Actually think I have one more I forgot to include. I am sure 2 are Salt Water and the Other I am not so sure on but it is probably freshwater being so big.

Hope you enjoy looking at them. At least I will always be able to keep my photos for my enjoyment too.

Please do give me your opinions on this collection. Also what you think of the pearl of Allah look-a-like on a stick pin :) The two with smaller ones, actually not so small are set with diamonds. One diamond is quite bit too.

Yes, photos are not great. Will post more tomorrow. Too tired right now. I am getting used to adding more lenses to my camera so I am not quite getting it right yet. :confused:

dawncee33 eBay ID


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WOW! They're all gorgeous!

Are Stickpins lapel pins, as opposed to hatpins? I'd always rather be looking at my pearls than having someone else be looking at them (hatpins).

It's easy to get lost in pearlgazing, isn't it?
Thanks for loving these natural pearls as much as I do. I do get please from looking at beautiful pearls. I guess we all do, otherwise why would get lost pearl gazing.

I am not sure if they would be classified as Hat Pins or Lapel pins but I would wear in a lapel or on a shirt. Must be seen, must be able to admire. I am sure some would have been worn as hair pins though, when hair styles were elaborate and needed the odd pin to hold it in place although I am not sure how it work. One could hardly stick a sharp pin in one's head to hold a hat or hair style :)

I will try to send clearer better photos when I have a few minutes to take the photos. Make that an hour or so. And maybe some other Natural pearls I am sure to have squirreled away. :)

Dawn eBay ID dawncee333
Wow.. those are beautiful.. I love the feathery baroque one. I love hat pins too, they are always a good source for natural pearls in antique shops. I just wish I wore hats more often!
It's not much in comparison, but here is a favorite of mine.. (from my collection).
It is obviously a vintage hat pin, set with a 5mm lavender natural Quahog pearl. I love the setting of this pearl.
Cheers, Sarah


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I once saw a hat pin with an abalone pearl similar to Pattye's on Ebay. I bid on it but lost. I kept the picture so I could feel bad everytime I remember (joking, I kept it because it is so pretty


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oooooohhhh.. yeah that would hurt me too!
That's GORGEOUS! I hope the owner wears it often.. and with a wide smile!
At least you can rest easy knowing that the pearl is cracked?
Hi Sarah and Caitlin, the are both beautiful and so unusual. I would have felt really bad losing that auction too Caitlin. It really is a stunner. Did it go way high or did you just reach your limit for the month :) Sometimes it is the one's that get away we remember the most.

Caitlin every time I see you natural pearls I drool.

Hat pins or whatever are a good source for naturals of all kinds.

Still haven't gotten around to uploading the last of my naturals but will eventually. I am working very long hours on my eBay site and haven't got time to scratch myself most of the time. But I will - soon, hopefully take the other photos. I am slowly coming to grips with my new Macro lenses. I love my camera :)

Dawn ID on eBay dawncee333
Lisa.. All pearls will fade if left in the sun (or some such harsh treatment). This Quahog pearl is original to the piece (or atleast I have no reason to believe that it is not).. the color is definitely lavender. Quahog pearls range naturally from cream through pure white..lavender.. cornflower blue (although very rare) brilliant purple, into deep dark purple black.
Generally the colors of natural pearls are as stable as cultured pearls.... I have always wondered where the myth of color fading grew larger in the category of conch and other colored natural pearls.
Pearls will fade at the same rate that a host shell would ... under the same treatment.
I hope that makes sense:)
Thanks.. it's maybe to late for me to be writing on public forums!
Hi Sarah! Never "too late", to educate.

Yep, your reply makes eminent sense. I wondered if your pearl had faded because I was visualizing the deep violet-indigo purple. I remembered the natural variations extant, just wondered if the pearl was delicate, or faded. I just like information...Now of course, you've got me intrigued with the reference to a 'fading' myth, and where and when it started. Anybody?

And now, I have a question. I picked up some shells (and pieces of-) on a beach in FL last winter (please, no lectures on picking up shells...I know, but lots of the shells will just wash back into the water or get buried in the sand, and they do get replenished by currents) and noticed while handling them that the layers of color would rub away to reveal another color. I also noticed that happen in a few of the pearls I've absent-mindedly fondled.

What's going on? is this peculiar to certain kinds of pearls, any information or citations would be appreciated.
I hate it when I lose a post!

The quahog pearl comes from the cherrystone clam, which was also the ancient source of wampum. The shell has a purple band around the outside and a white center. I think it is where in the clam the pearl forms that decides the color.

To find out more about quahog pearls check out the sticky thread about quahog pearls. Some great stuff in there including a photo of a Victorian brooch with 2 of the largest quahog pearls you will ever see- Not one bit of fading on those even though the brooch kicked around in a sale basket in an antique store where it was bought for around $14 LINK