The torch your teacher uses can also be adapted to use a foot bellows. But there are simpler ones to get. I have two one is a Smith little torch that uses Propane and Oxygen. The other is an acetylene torch with a prestolite handle. the little butane torch I find as a back up that I only use when I'm out of gas for the others. Yes it gets hot, yes it can work, but the flame of it is not as good as the bigger torches. The disposable propane torch outfits are just to big of a flame for jewelry. If you plan on doing casting in the future, get a torch that has oxygen with the gas to be used. It will burn much hotter.
Get the Alan Revere book "Professional Goldsmithing" The projects in the book will help you immensely. It shows how to make a tube set ring, one of the bezels you show in your google link, and a basket prong setting. It also goes into how to do bezel sets for pendants. You might also like the project on crocheting silver wire into a chain. The book also goes over the various tools and what they are used for. The DVD's he puts out are the visual aides to these projects. It even shows how to make a simple prong set for a pearl ring. Alan was German trained living over there for many years apprenticing to the best.
I've never bezel set a pearl. I don't think it would be a problem to do if you had some sort of cushion under it to take up the negative space. I'm no pearl expert, but I've seen half pearls that would probably be the best to use for a bezel set. Personally I would want the whole pearl and to show off the full pearl in the setting.
Is your teacher going to go over Chasing and Reposse (sp) work? If so I know a few trciks to make that easier.
Oh and in another post you mentioned getting a ceramic table to do jewelry work on. DON'T! You want a more forgiving surface that can take a hammer blow. For the work that you do with a torch at your bench you will use things like high heat pads, charcol blocks and soldering swivel bases. Here is a good bit of equipment to get as well. It keeps you from breathing the bad fumes at your bench when you solder. When you get your bench/table, get good lighting for it as well. An Optivisor is another thing you should get so you cn see the small things and details you are working with. It becomes more important the older you get and as your eyesight is not as good.
Get the Alan Revere book "Professional Goldsmithing" The projects in the book will help you immensely. It shows how to make a tube set ring, one of the bezels you show in your google link, and a basket prong setting. It also goes into how to do bezel sets for pendants. You might also like the project on crocheting silver wire into a chain. The book also goes over the various tools and what they are used for. The DVD's he puts out are the visual aides to these projects. It even shows how to make a simple prong set for a pearl ring. Alan was German trained living over there for many years apprenticing to the best.
I've never bezel set a pearl. I don't think it would be a problem to do if you had some sort of cushion under it to take up the negative space. I'm no pearl expert, but I've seen half pearls that would probably be the best to use for a bezel set. Personally I would want the whole pearl and to show off the full pearl in the setting.
Is your teacher going to go over Chasing and Reposse (sp) work? If so I know a few trciks to make that easier.
Oh and in another post you mentioned getting a ceramic table to do jewelry work on. DON'T! You want a more forgiving surface that can take a hammer blow. For the work that you do with a torch at your bench you will use things like high heat pads, charcol blocks and soldering swivel bases. Here is a good bit of equipment to get as well. It keeps you from breathing the bad fumes at your bench when you solder. When you get your bench/table, get good lighting for it as well. An Optivisor is another thing you should get so you cn see the small things and details you are working with. It becomes more important the older you get and as your eyesight is not as good.