Showing you their pearls


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
Some serious pearl action going on at Buckingham Palace a few moments ago. Over here we now have a long standing Head of State and a new Head of Government who are both committed and regular pearl wearers. Result
Brava! It's a beautiful thing (both the pearls and the points for feminism). Leopard print shoes too! (I suspect the curtsy takes a LOT of practice to get right - I'd be so nervous I'd fall over)
I love leopard shoes, and wear them sometimes, but to meet the Queen...I think it's a no-go!
But then look at the Queens' black purse and shoes...with that light colored dress.
The new PM's outfit isn't my style, but I love that she can go to an official event like that wearing whatever she likes, without feeling limited to the old black/navy suit, neutral pumps, formula. Good for her!
It slays me that the Queen is even holding a purse, since she's inside her own house. I know it's a secret code thing. When she changes it to her other arm, it means she's done with you and the guards escort you out. I think I'd live in panic of the changing of the purse arm. "NO WAIT! I'm not done ogling your pearls, Mam!"
Isn't that what the servants are for?

Maybe the purse is her secret weapon. Get a little too close to the 3 strand pearl necklace and whap upside the head with her purse.
It is interesting to see what pearls women in power wear. It seems those "Political" pearls are getting bigger and bigger :-). A bit off topic...but when The Great Gatsby movie came out I was wondering if there would be a boon to pearls into popular culture, particularly since Tiffany & Co did their own signature line of jewelry inspired by the movie. Now I see their pearl pieces from the collection being sold off quite a bit on to sights like The Real Real or Portero etc..
That may be because the movie kind of bombed. It wasn't the hit that the original 1970s version was.

Or, it could be that "fashionistas" bought in when the movie can out and then lost interest quickly when they felt the look was out. Unlike us, who just adore pearls always and forever.
Love it ! ( not a fan of the bumblebee look with the leopard shoes tho ..)

On my monitor, it looks navy blue. I'm not sure I'd wear color block with leopard, but I live in Keds, so what do I know.