Sadly my previous post got wiped during the server transition, but I sometimes have the geekie habit of writing out longer posts in word before pasting into the forum. So reposting this again~~~

Lisa! Love how you are always bumping various threads. I'm sharing another*pearl*story, though not technically the*1st*pearl*(I've shared my*1st*pearl*- the drunken*pearl, the*1st*growth bordeaux*pearl*- previously in this thread).
So, around the time of my 25th birthday (maaaaaaaaany years ago), my mom brought home this strand of WSSP and handed it to me. She said Paula, I got this for you since this is your quarter-life birthday, plus, I think this would make a great wedding*pearl*for you!
Hmm, mum, you know I'm single, right?
Mum basically just smiled and repeated herself - well I think it will make a great wedding pearls for you!...
Fast forward a decade+++, I'm still single (even with a long-term stable boyfriend who is co-parent to Purranha).
So this poor strand of WSSP still hasn't fulfilled its destiny.
(It is the outter most strand amongst my white pearls)
To tell the truth, I didn't wear my "wedding" pearls for yeeeaaarrs, not because of it's "designation", but more because I felt self conscious wearing such big pearls. But in the past few years, I've adopted more of the mindset of I'm gonna wear it because I want to!*
I'm wearing it today, along with my prehnite ring.