Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

eolian pearls I love the way the tin cups look so much more than the original strand! The pearls actually stand out so much better than they were before. Great idea of layering the strand with a chain. Personally I’m always a bit scared to wear pearls with metal chains because of potential scratches. Probably just me overthinking

jeg glorious golden set! They look marvellous together
Happy Valentine's Day right back, Douglas ... and all you beautiful friends and your pearls, you all look fabulous! Jeg, you almost make me feel like summer might arrive, with all that golden glow ... SurfnSci your J. Hunter Fiji look is dreamy and swoon-worthy, an all time favorite of mine ... eolian, that darling little crab is a real attention getter for good reason ... I'm glad I don't have to pick a favorite!
Thank you, BWeaves, echo and Cathy! Cathy, sunshine and goldens have me feeling like summer. Well, at least almost spring.

I mentioned I had been following the Sex and the City reboot, and Carrie’s Akoya strand had me thinking I should have a simple, classic strand. Of course, I especially like it layered… I contacted Takahashi a while back about a strand, but at the time, did not have one available in the size, quality, I was looking for. I also asked about studs in maybe 9- 9.5mm. What a happy surprise when two beautiful choices came back in the rare 9.5- 10mm size! And just like that… I had an unexpected pair of Akoya studs!

I took snapshots in different lighting. There’s some distortion as they are round and beautifully matched. 9.5- 10mm pinked with a blue overtone pair of Akoya studs from Takahashi Pearl- arghhh, getting photo file error again. The resolution will be compromised because I need to make them smaller.

Thank you all! The crab is one of my favorite pieces, very close to my heart...

jeg Your goldens are so so glowy! They make me smíle and want to put my swimmimg suit on ;-) Yes, Cathy the summer is around the corner! Yay!
The earrings on their back are sooo cute. Looks like a smiling face and it made me smile :D
Really nice luster, are they that peachy toned or they were reflecting a color around them jeg ? You did mention they have great pink!
The photos came out just perfect!
Thank you eolian and Douglas! Haha, the fun little clamshell boxes and backs make it easier to take pics, but yes, the pearls reflect everything around them. They are the traditional Akoya that have been pinked and this pair has some blue overtone. So, they look like glowy white pearls on.

Douglas, it seems like almost everything I try to upload now is getting a file size error. I’m still taking the same old snapshots and have not changed anything on my end, but they keep getting rejected.:frown:
Yes, I haven't experienced the issue myself lately but I'm in the process of rehiring a tech to help us fix this. It's time consuming since not many are versed in the Archanum of vBulletin anymore :frown:
So, please bear with us until this is fixed. He might start working over the weekend.
Jeg and Eolian ... that's the closest I'll get to real summer sun for a while; there's new snow on the ground here ... so THANK YOU for the posts :)
Thank you so very much, Echo, Eolian, Jeg, CathyKeshi and Douglas!

eolian pearls I really love your akoya tincup remake strands! They look very chic and modern... I'm also into the layered paperclip chain pearl look, but have yet to be able to master it - it kind of just looks odd on me, not at all fashionable unfortunately, but I keep trying:dunno:

jeg Such beautiful, sumptuous goldens (and a lovely outfit)! And your Takahashi studs are incredible. I don't think I own anything that lustrous, wow.
jeg your akoya studs are absolutely stunning. They are simple but makes a statement because of their mega voltage!

Today I’m wearing all Ts. When I don’t know what pearl to wear I always grab my Ts.

Love the Tahitians on Leather Look!
Such amazing pearls eolian pearls, SurfnSci, jeg and echo.
Beautiful akoyas eolian pearls and that crab is too cute.
SurfnSci such amazing colors on those fijis and such a clever transformer piece that bracelet is.
jeg, you do have the prettiest goldens and the prettiest vacation photos. Amazing akoya studs.
Your tahitian on leather is gorgeous echo. I haven't ever even thought about making a tahitian strand on leather with knots in between. I might have to try that. Lots of pearlreaming or redrilling though if I give it a try.
Oh, super! do you think you could put back the box on the bottom that I think was called Similar Threads? I was on a search of PG this past weekend, I confess I have no great skills, but it was Hell. The similar threads used to be so great for short cuts.

I am Eternally Grateful for all of what you do, and hope everyone is in good health!
Thank you, Cathy, SurfnSci, echo and Charlotta! Echo, Tahitians are always a good choice! I love, love your design with the leather knots, and the length looks perfect on you!

Ok, thanks Douglas and Jeremy. I dont’ know whether to be happy or scared about a new update. :11:

One more vacation pic from my lanai, wearing my Traveling Pearl-
And, wearing my Akoya studs from Takahashi Pearl, with a mixed medley rope from Kojima. Tried taking more pics of the studs in different light.
Jotted that feature down!
We know. But we are indeed trying to have the best possible experience for all...these "quirks" are annoying.