Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Jeg, your golden ombre is stunning!!! And extra lovely combined with blue akoyas...Dreamy dreamy....

SydK& 86C love your white tahitians, I haven’t considered this color on tahitians until recently and find them very special, have my own white earrings in works, waiting patiently and admiring yours in the meantime...
86C, those are gorgeous - I can see why you treasure them.
Eolian, I really like white t’s. They have a silvery cast to them and a different luster somehow to white SS or freshwaters. I look forward to seeing your earrings one day.
Thanks everyone! 86C, yes, I made the earrings. I have made a lot of earrings in the past month. :rolleyes:

SydK and 86C, both of your earrings are quite lovely. I also love white Tahitians. They are very special!

I was debating on whether to add a link to my ankle bracelet so I could convert it to a wrist bracelet and make it more versatile. I ended up just adding a Tahitian Keshi dangle to the end instead, so it will remain an anklet, for now...

Tahitian strand from Kamoka with a custom tin cup from PP. There are two pendants hanging from the tin cup- larger drop shaped T is from Kamoka and the smaller round T is from Na Hoku.

Thank you, Eolian, SydK, & Jeg! They are special earrings.

Jeg, I love multi Tahitians! I think I need to start collection more pearls so I can make some tin cups. I have a few keshi but I'm going to need some more. Love the addition of the pearl on your anklet, too. A nice little dangle. If you ever make another pair of those earrings, I will gladly buy them. I just love the colors of GSS & blue Akoyas together!!!
Your earrings are beautiful 86Corvettegirl.
You have made so many gorgeous pieces lately Jeg. Gorgeous anklet. And the Kamoka strand is so pretty.
Thanks so much, Charlotta and 86C! What a nice compliment, 86C, I’m so glad you like the earrings, and yes to saving up your Tahitians. Tin cups would be much lighter for your weather.

Metallic freshwater strand from Kojima and freshwater earrings.

Going through some of my pearl storage boxes & came across these bracelets. Had them for years & forgot all about them. I have these 2 with blue topaz or amethyst with white FW button pearls & one with peridot gemstones. Fun little bracelets.


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640AC7AB-6359-474C-848F-B91AF459E367.jpgThose are fun, 86c!
I only have Humble, yet Lovable studs today, and I’ll tell you what - this is fun, and I’ll tell you why! I cropped the photo just right and shaved 20 years off my appearance!
(sure need a’s gotten so long I can French braid it. Not a good look for me.))
The earrings looks great on you lisa c, probably even if you don't crop the photo...haha. I resorted to cutting my own hair, luckily I have some waves in my hair so it's not so easy to se mistakes...It was really funny, I got asked if I had cut my hair and I said yes. Then where I cut it...In my bathroom....very affordable and I didn't have to book an appointment either. I parted my hair in two. Grabbed one half and chopped of about two inch. Then I tried to chop of the same amount on the other side...then I bravely took the sissors and cut my really long bangs (might not be bangs, the shorter part that sort of frames the face) and chopped it on both sides in an downwards angle. Took about to minutes. Then I ran my fingers through it, not half bad...especially if you squint...
Wow, 86C, I can’t believe those were forgotten!

LisaC, great studs and excellent -20yr photo!:cool:

Wearing earrings I made, with a topaz pendant that was given to me years ago, and an Akoya and gemstone necklace from Margaret at SimplyAdorned.


A metallic Freshadama strand from PP, with a Kojima chosen Keshi strand, and earrings I made.

Thanks, BW, Charlotta, SydK, Lisa c, & Jeg. I try to keep my jewelry organized because I do tend to forget what I have. LOL

Love your studs, Lisa c! They look metallic!

As usual, Jeg, you look amazing! Love the necklace combination & how well your new earrings compliment them!!!