Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Hi, G&P, I heard that from someone else as well, and that’s what I’m using, a phone. I’ll know better and not flip pics now, unless someone says EekHelp!

Sadly your find was so great and looks so good on you, you made me look at eBay for hours last night...oh woe. Must. Not. Look. ....weak...
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Lisac- you are so funny and sweet. Next time I come across some silver or blue Akoyas that are a great deal I will pm you. :)
Thank you Red, Sydk, Parrot Lady, Charlotta and Pattye. You are too kind.

Charlotta, I just looked back to see the size of my banded silver blue strand, it is 12M to 13.9m. So yes, it is a larger pearl strand. The coloration is unique, as in some places you see a distinct blue overtone, and then other places near the bands you see pinks, and darker grays. It is so unique and the reason I was thrilled when I saw the pictures Sarah and Booz sent to me.

Unfortunately my photos do not show the real beauty of my pearls. Try as I may, inside my home I have yet to find a room or spot where the lighting photographs well to show the luster, overtones and true colors of my pearls. Disappointing. By accident, oddly, I found my pearls photograph best when I have taken a selfie, whilst waiting for the tram to take me to the terminal at work. The airport parking lot of all places. It is a sheltered area, with indirect full light, which is perfect. The best photos thus far. Sadly, the background is of cars.......and boring, I am always in my uniform. :( However you can see the luster and color oh so well in those photos.

Charlotta and Pattye, here is the photo that was sent to me from Kojima, of the large banded silver T. So much better than mine.. Kojima Silver Blue Baroque pic.jpg
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Here is an interesting photo conundrum. I have an affection for Ripple pearls, and have collected quite a few.

Not too long ago, (going to work) I took this picture of one of my Kojima Ripple necklace. It is a very golden pond slime color. After seeing the picture, I was blown away as you could see all the beautiful luster and overtone colors and they sparkled. I got quite a few compliments on it. However I will include another photo of the same necklace I took in my home. One would never guess it was the same necklace ! Kojima Pond Slime PG.jpg

Kojima Pond Slime strand.jpg
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The silver tahitians really are stunning, AzFlyGirl, and so big. It's really hard to find a good place for photos. Sometimes you can get good photos inside a car, at least when it's overcast. I bought a small portable lightbox and it work in a pinch, but it doesn't have the great light that our outdoor room at our summer cabin. That room faces north and have a see-through roof, it's perfect for pearl photography. However it's an hour and a half drive and do not have running water in the winter months, I had to get water from the well in a bucket this morning. At home the lighting isn't that good. Keep trying, there might be good light where you least expect it. My big ripples look horrid in most photos...
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I am wearing a bigger mixed color T strand with a strand of blue/white Akoyas that have Tahitian accent pearls. I really like some of the lighter green/gold pearls in this strand that go well with the mint shirt I am wearing. My Iphone de-saturates everything I photograph but the shirt is a bright mint green. The T strand has a silver/cz clasp.


Oh, My!!! I'm gone for a couple of days & missed so much!! So many beautiful pearls, Ladies!! I am in awe!!

Kanaloa went out for an early dinner & drinks to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday. It's so hard to take a good pic in a moving car. LOL


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Gorgeous pearls. Thanks for sharing. Love them big.

We had a few snow flakes today, and I love wearing my darker pearls this season. My dark cherry and peacock strand of 9-11.5mm drop Tahitians from PP and 9mm aubergine drops from Kamoka.




A close up shot of the earrings and the original shot of the strand from the Pearl Paradise website.


GemandPearlover your big multi T strand is lovely ! Love the array of colors. It looks very nice with the rope you have on as well.

Red that dark cherry and peacock necklace is gorgeous. Love the coloration and it looks fabulous on you with your skin tone. The earrings are very pretty. Your strand and earrings send warmth on even the coldest MN day !!
What a great day of pearls, everyone! Red, those cherry tones are just luscious. GemandPearl, those are knockout Tahitians, and Azflygirl, you’ve taken a great shot of those ripples, which if they’re like mine are tricky to photograph because they tend to turn muddy as soon as the camera is on them.
It's finally getting down into the 70's here. I had to break out the wool and cashmere. It's really too hot for that, so back to linen the next day.

Handwoven merino and silk blouse with cashmere wrap. Kojima pearls. Kasumi pendant. Chinese Freshwater tin-cup and matching earrings.


Here be dragons! Mom's Rice Krispie torsade with dragon clasp. Kojima perfect drops with my diamond huggies.

Thank you Patty, Charlotta, AZflygirl, Sydk and Katbran. :)

I love visiting this thread to see the lovelies posted. It really is a treat.

Red- Your new cherry Tahitians look great with your coloring. They are stunning and look even better than the website picture.

86Corvettegirl- Kanaloa is such a great statement piece. Very lovely and unique. I am glad you are taking her out so other's can enjoy her.

BWeaves- I love your mom's rice crispy pearls with the dragon clasp and love how all your pearl choices pair so nice with your outfits.
86Corvettegirl, I see that Kanaloa is out enjoying himself, of course he had a great time.
Red, the cherry tahitian strand and those earrings are gorgeous. Such nice colors.
Bweaves, nice combinations. I really like that dragon.
Thanking all our veterans, human and K9, on this Veterans Day ! We are eternally grateful for your service.

With this holiday weekend, it has been a busy weekend at work. My day always starts out well, when I am wearing my Multi-colored T choker. Love this strand for its coloration, luster and simplicity ! (white pearls, are a faux lanyard with my badges I must wear)

Susan Selfie PG 10Nov19.jpg