Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Lugana - love the sapphires and Tahitian earrings.

BWeaves - love your blue rope. I am interested in what you said about re-stringing the faux pearls “ Since it's graduated, I'm not going to knot it except at the ends” - is there a reason not to individually knot graduated pearls? Or is because they are faux and/or you are adding crystals? Thanks in advance.
Oh crap. I forgot to take an AFTER photo. I strung the faux pearls with small, light lilac colored Sworavski crystals in between each pearl, so the final length of the necklace is 27 inches.

Knots would have been too big next to the small pearls, and the holes in the crystals are much larger than the holes in the pearls, so any knots would have slid inside the crystals. The crystals are the visual knots, kind of. The lilac color of the crystals blends nicely with the golden peach color of the pearls, and the lilac also blends nicely with her skin tone. It's subtle and gives just a enough sparkle without looking super blingy. I didn't put crystals right at the back of the neck, because there the pearls are smaller than the crystals and I was concerned that the crystals would feel scratchy. At the front, the crystals are much smaller than the pearls. I did knot between the last 3 pearls on each side. I left about 7 pearls on each side of the clasp without crystals.

She's thrilled with it. And I can't believe I forgot an after photo. I'll ask her to send me one.
Oh crap. I forgot to take an AFTER photo. I strung the faux pearls with small, light lilac colored Sworavski crystals in between each pearl, so the final length of the necklace is 27 inches.

Knots would have been too big next to the small pearls, and the holes in the crystals are much larger than the holes in the pearls, so any knots would have slid inside the crystals. The crystals are the visual knots, kind of. The lilac color of the crystals blends nicely with the golden peach color of the pearls, and the lilac also blends nicely with her skin tone. It's subtle and gives just a enough sparkle without looking super blingy. I didn't put crystals right at the back of the neck, because there the pearls are smaller than the crystals and I was concerned that the crystals would feel scratchy. At the front, the crystals are much smaller than the pearls. I did knot between the last 3 pearls on each side. I left about 7 pearls on each side of the clasp without crystals.

She's thrilled with it. And I can't believe I forgot an after photo. I'll ask her to send me one.


Sounds like a successful restring! Just something to keep in mind when dealing with different sized drill holes: you can always use a different type of knot that can add heft without being too obvious.
Yesterday my husband and I took a drive to Mystic, CT. We had our first date there 27 years ago, and over the years we have continued to visit the town several times per year. It holds many attractions, not the least of which are Mystic Seaport, Mystic Aquarium and the little village of shops next to the aquarium.

These days we usually drive straight to the old section of town, where we enjoy the current display at the Mystic Museum of Art, the view of the Mystic River at the drawbridge, and the many small shops.

I began the day with the intention of buying pearls — specifically, my favorite jasmine pearls (green tea) from the Spice and Tea Exchange. That was the sum total of my planned expenditures for the day. Oh, I figured we’d buy my husband some of his favorite truffles or fudge, and maybe a book or two…as we typically do when in Mystic.

Then we walked into a small jewelry shop nearby where we have previously enjoyed window shopping. And I saw this gorgeous Tahitian keshi necklace, which of course I had to ask to look at. *happy sigh*. I chatted with the owner about pearls generally and keshi specifically. It was with great reluctance that I handed the pearls back. They didn’t want to leave my hand!

The owner very generously dropped the price for us…but we’re not people who typically spend that much on impulse! Our anniversary is coming this summer, but we weren’t really shopping for that yet. And we don’t do gifts for Mother’s Day. But they were so lustrous, so large, so comfortable— and they looked great on my H’s neck, too. Our daughter is graduating from college this May, so we won’t have that expense any more.
Maybe we could buy the keshi?

We had to take a walk, sit by the river, think and talk. I find that when there is something I am tempted to buy, it helps to walk away and see if the tantalizing item calls me back. Most of the time, it does not. These pearls did.

I was already wearing pearls so I put the keshi right on my H’s neck, and had the pleasure of looking at them as we had supper afterward at P.P. Oyster Co.

The owner showed us his personal collection of Sea of Cortez keshi and baroque pearls, as well a large silver Tahitian baroque tokki pearl— the tokki part was much darker than the rest of the pearl— a very cool looking pearl! I urged him to post photos of his private collection of pearls on P-G and hope he does.
Link to article about how tokki pearls form:

Here are the keshi today. In the sun they look like molten metal in my hand. In the second photo of my hand. they are also outdoors but in the shade. The neck shot is just inside my front door.


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PD, I can see why you were reluctant to hand those babies back! How astonishingly gorgeous! I love your rule - I use one like that too, 72 hours (though sometimes I can't wait that long). A beautiful early anniversary gift!
Oooo, so glad you didn’t pass those up, PD! They look wonderful on you!

Love your charms, Pareltje, Lugana your hoops, and BWeaves your swans! Sorry I am behind...
Thank you, ladies! Glad you like them. :)

Years ago I had Tahitian keshi on my wish list, but I more or less gave up after never seeing a strand that was just what I wanted, at a price I was prepared to pay at the time. I'm really happy with them.
Pearl Dreams, WOW ... just WOW! I can picture your handsome husband wearing these too :) They are fabulous Tahitian keshi; Congratulations!!!

You know you're in the right place when the owner of the jewelry shop mentions they have a private collection of Sea of Cortez keshi :) !!!!!!!
Holy Carp! Those Tahitian keshi are gorgeous. Molten metal is right. And the clasp is pretty, too.

Yeah, I like to sleep on any big purchase. If I remember still wanting it in the morning and it's still available, then it was meant to be.
;) So true about the SoC keshi!

I will photography my husband wearing them at the next opportunity...too dark out now.
"If I still remember wanting it in the morning .... " oh, BWeaves how I love this tactic :) Sometimes around here it works more like "if Walter remembers in the morning that I bought this last night ..." ;)
Love those Tahitian keshi. A beautiful, well-matched necklace.
Epic is right, and they look like they were made for your skin. Sigh. This is one of the things I have been lusting over for years, You must wear them at the Ruckus!
PD, I can see why you wanted them badly. They are stunning and look fantastic on you. Great choice.
What a wonderful strand and such a romantic story Pearl Dreams!! Congratulations)) I love how everyone chimed in on their pearl buying "strategies".. some are quite humorous :)

I have a few pieces that are non-pearl jewellery that took me a few years to get since I first wanted them and missed.. that's quite fulfilling when after months of search you do get the piece in the end :) :)