Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

I’ve had these teeny tiny pearls for a long time and finally made them into pearl “chains” to use with my pendants. Yikes, I have a lot of pendants. :rolleyes: Here are some of them in a pendant parade-

Sea of Cortez

And (a lot) more-

and more...
jeg that dangly T necklace is lovely! And I love your pendant chain :)

I couldn’t decide between restringing my new harvest GSSPs with my old ones or keeping the akoya keshi bubble rope configuration, so I combined them. Wearing it around to see how I like it. The length is just right to wear long or doubled, and I kept some akoya keshi in there.

Thanks, Battah! I guess I’m a little confused because I can’t keep up with your changes, but I really like the length and look of that strand!
Looks beautiful no matter how you wear it, battah :)

Jeg, those pendants are so colorful and pretty ... I love the use of the tiny pearls as "chains" ... wonderful!
Thanks so much, Cathy and BWeaves! I made the pearl chains in several different lengths and have been using them a lot.
jeg, I really admire your pendants collection. They are all pretty.
battah, you look great with your lovely harvest bubble rope.
WOWZA jeb and battah, incredible! I love how your new harvest necklace came out, battah!! drooling over everything!

kasumi keshi and "dew of the sun" necklace
MSC, very pretty!

jeg, CathyKeshi, BWeaves, and Pareltje, thank you! jeg, confusion totally understood. So when Purr and I initially split a harvest strand, I strung up my portion with some akoya keshi (pic below). I've loved wearing it like that, so when we split a second strand I wasn't sure whether to break it up to put all the GSSP together, or do something else with my new batch of gssp pearls. I decided to combine all of the GSSP into one rope with a few akoya keshi.

MSC, those keshis are an overload of cuteness.
Great idea to mix keshis with gssp, battah.
Today I'm wearing my SoC keshi bracelet from Druzy Design. I'm head over heels with these keshis.DSC_1215.jpg
And in a makeshift light box _20180209_170417.jpg
Battah- I love all your variations! I like your new version, but I suspect it won’t be your last either. So many choices.

Thank you, MSC and Pareltje! That is a really beautiful bracelet, Pareltje, and MSC, you also have some very special keshi pieces!
loving all the pearls. the style and the variations !

yesterday I wore my very first pearl paradise pearls. it was detachable Tahitian pearl drops. it was sold on gold hoops. I wore it with my diamond earrings that has a hook behind to allow for dangles to be added.
it's going to be Chinese New Year soon. so have been out and about hosting in my cheongsamPhotoGrid_1518218333485.jpg
You, and your pearls look absolutely gorgeous, Kalmen! Happy New Year to you!