Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Purr, I don't care if it's pearls or not - I always love seeing your mom's jewels. They are fantastic!
It's been go big for me lately. I picked up these gorgeous white souffle pearls during the PP Black Friday sale. I paid to have them restrung on a orbit clasp so I could attach them to an extender.

Several years ago I showed Jeremy my souffle pendant from Kojima Pearl, and said I preferred a white body souffle with strong pink and blue overtones. These metallic white beauties have wonderful shapes, as well as blue and pink overtones. I adore them. And, the light weight is a real bonus.

White souffle pearl strand Pearl Paradise and souffle pendant KojimaWhite souffle pearl strand Pearl Paradise with souffle pendant KojimaWhite souffle pearl strand Pearl Paradise
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Just got this picture from Hisano, this is coming to me!!!!!!!!!!

little h 3 pearl pink sapphire
Oh, swoon! That ring is just perfect, purr!

Red- I am super curious about souffles..but having never seen them in person I am a little apprehensive about buying some online. I really really like the way those look! You may have convinced me to give them a whirl!
Red, those soufflés are gorgeous! Great choice!

Purr you know I love the ring! I’m in love with that little h style, it’s gorgeous! Can’t wait to see your pic of that ring going places :)
Purr that LH ring is beautiful...but I'm with JP - There wouldn't be anything left of that ring on my hand after a few wears ! I'm forever knocking into things !! But you MOM"S ring ... that's amazing !!!

Battah - wow that's a great set of rings !!

Red - The white Souff's are beautiful...and you are right about the weight ! Perfect for people that want the size but hate the drag of large pearls.
Stop me before I buy again....

Stop me before I buy again....

Hi everyone! I've been really sick the last few days so no ear or neck shots....but here are a couple of quick snaps of my latest purchases! The 8.5-9mm multicolor Edison necklace just arrived today (the colors are amazing on these pearls. kinda wish I got a different, larger clasp though...), 10-11mm Peacock Edison studs (love these things...hard to photograph...they change in the light and are more iridescent and darker than this photo...), and 9-10mm GSS studs.

I think I'm set for the holidays now.

2017-12-08 13-06-02 -0500.jpg2017-12-08 13-17-19 -0500.jpg2017-12-08 13-20-02 -0500.jpg
I ran my errands today wearing my baroque akoya necklace and SSP dangles, both from PP.

I find these go really well together, size wise and color wise. The earrings photo came out a bit fuzzy, but you get the idea.

Baroque akoya strand from Pearl Paradise

baroque akoya strand with white South Sea dangle earrings - Pearl Paradise
Those are gorgeous, enkeli! Great choices. I really love the first pair of earrings.

PD you're a very elegant errand runner :) The earrings and necklace really do go together beautifully.
Enkeli, beautiful colourful pearls!

PD, your SSP and akoya are so dreamy! Gorgeous!