GemGeek, I love your pendant, good job Hisano fixed it. So geometric and style! You are right, SS keshis are on the rise of price now, I wanted to get a strand of GSS keshis this time in Japan for myself, but simply couldn't afford it in the end of the trip
annie, is your ring a knuckle ring or just placed there for the photo? I love knuckle rings

and your photography of the tahitian rope is very nice too!
battah, those sentimental pieces just make me cry.. I somehow immediately see them through generations, already, when your children will be showing it to their children.. just makes me cry)) I'm silly, sorry) a beautiful piece)
asurazzy, I like seeing how people's pearls style reflect their personalities, yours is very bold and prominent! (and that's a compliment, just in case))
jeg, I like how you all use cute props in the photos.. I could try using my dogs, but I don't think I can trust pearls to them

I need to look for some cute toy as well)) love how your rings can be converted to bracelets on the mice

Sanippy, I very very much like (sorry I just think I already overused the word "love" in my post.. now where is my thesaurus))) how you paired two necklaces together, great idea!