Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

And BAM, we have the perfect example of what Hisano might use those tiny akoyas for ... LOVELY, JerseyPearl!
WOWZA!!!!! Just Wow, on both the baby harvest and the blue akoyas with blue diamonds (my favorite color of pearl and diamond).
Today I'm wearing my silver South Sea keshi that I purchased in Bali from Eastern Trade Winds and had assembled by Catherine at Stephen Vincent Design. I added my colored diamond "football" necklace by Stephen at Stephen Vincent Design for interest at the throat. The black rubber cord and the etchings on the "football" coordinates nicely with the black leather strap and the carving on my Kamoka bracelet.

silver South Sea keshi that I purchased in Bali from Eastern Trade Winds with colored diamond football necklace by Stephen at Stephen Vincent Design

black leather strap and the carving  Kamoka
Jersey Pearl - thanks for indulging me. I remember the pearls were really beautiful from every angle.
BWeaves - I love that necklace and you wear it well.
Red - giant graduated keshi - truly one of a kind and gorgeous on you.
BWeaves, love the set AND the big smile!

Red, that's a beautiful pairing. Tell me, how do you like that rubber cord? I've looked at those and wondered how they feel on. Seems like it would be really comfortable and less prone to wear than leather?
Red, that's a beautiful pairing. Tell me, how do you like that rubber cord? I've looked at those and wondered how they feel on. Seems like it would be really comfortable and less prone to wear than leather?

Thank you, GemGeek and battah.

Love those pearls and lapis, BWeaves. Lapis blue is one of my favorite colors.

battah - The rubber cord works nicely, and depending on the thickness, it will give a nice drape. The rubber doesn't bother me. I understand it can have a shorter lifespan than metal, but I expect that it will be longer than leather. Worth experimenting with, I would think.
JP, those are my favorite little h earrings! They look so lovely on you!
battah, gorgeous glowing pearls ( I do the same thing when I work from home!)
jeg, lovely choker!
BW, love your imagination and puppy t-shirt!
Ooooh, rice krispies and lapiz lazuli. Great combo, thanks for the inspiration BWeaves!
My, my... battah's and jeg's gssp necklaces make me want to get one! Ok, maybe when my toddlers are a little older.

Here's one from over the weekend. My mom's birthday is next month, but she's with us for the next couple of weeks. So I gave her a box, and I told her that she can open it next month on her birthday or... she can open it now and maybe start using it. I don't think I got to finish my sentence, she opened the box, ogled for a bit, and started using them. In fact, she's on her 3rd straight day of using them while on grandma duty. :p

9mm 24k round gssp studs. jewelry shop in Marina Bay Sands

I knew she didn't have gssp's in her collection yet, and she likes her pearls on the small side. So I got her these 9mm 24k round gssp studs. :) Found this pair on sale in a jewelry shop in Marina Bay Sands, which was closing down in a week (lucky me!). And thank heavens they were on 18k gold poles, my mom has the itchies when she wears anything lower than 18k!
CrazyMissy- what a wonderful gift to your mom. You are a good daughter!
I thought some of you might want to know this strand happily ended up in my collection. It is Pkinnew's beloved Kamoka strand. I know she really loved this strand because she posted it many times and when I received it, the gimp was worn through. Marianne graciously restrung it for me. It nests perfectly with a strand of Tahitians I purchased in Hawaii. Even though one has a yellow gold clasp and the other is white gold, I think the pearls compliment each other.

Pkinnew's beloved Kamoka strand with Tahitian strand from Hawaii

Tahitian strand from Hawaii
Pkinnew's beloved Kamoka strand

Kamoka strand from Pkinnew
Pkinnew's beloved Kamoka strand
The 2 strands are very compatible with each other! Beautiful.

CrazyMissy, that was a well-chosen gift!
Wow, I've missed so much beauty last week!
Jeg, those Tahitian strands are stunning worn together or alone!
CrazyMissy, what a wonderful gift. I completely understand about the itchies.

JEG: I thought that was one double strand necklace, they match so well. They are gorgeous, and I wouldn't have even noticed the clasps were different colors if you had not pointed it out. I mix metal colors all the time. I even hook white gold orbit clasps to yellow gold ones and nobody notices. Then again, I have a lot of 2 color and 3 color gold jewelry, so people just assume that the linked necklaces are supposed to be that way.

I don't have a photo yet, but I restrung my first akoya rope last night, again. I've got to learn not to do a choke hold on every freaking knot. Beader's Secret doesn't stretch or loosen up like silk does, so I don't need to knot as tightly. I need to just snug the knot up, not pull it till its breaking point. Anyway, the rope doesn't kink anymore, and looks a few mm longer. And I didn't need bandaids on my fingers because the thread didn't cut into them. You'd think I'd have the hang of this by now, but I don't do it every day so I haven't got muscle memory for knotting until I've done it three times in a row.
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That's so awesome Pkinnew's strand has a friend! ;) She is smiling knowing one of her favorite strands went to you. The pair look like they were made to hang out together!

CrazyMissy, hbd to your mom!!! And what a wonderful gift! It's no wonder she doesn't take them off, they look beautiful!
Thank you Pearl Dreams, lmgarden, BWeaves, Sunseeker, Jersey Pearl and Amti! I like that way of thinking about it, Amti- having a friend and made to hang out together!