Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

So hot today. I didn't want any pearls touching my body, so I wore the Hamentaschen on a white gold cable choker and my new Hanadama studs from PP.

No, they're the pinked Hanadama studs. The natural white Hanadama studs were actually too white for me. The pinked Hanadamas looked better on my earlobes. When I put the natural white studs next to my natural white rope, the studs were almost too white. While my rope is not pink, the pinked Hanadamas actually looked better with it. They didn't match, but they didn't clash.

Oddly enough, the studs I got are not an exact match to each other. They match face on. But from the side, one is very pink and the other is white. I suspect when I was matching the studs to the rope, I was holding the stud on the right, not realizing they didn't match.

Side view.


Top view, like they look on my earlobe. They don't look THAT pink in real life.


Next to my natural white Hanadama rope.



I'm perfectly OK with them not matching.

Oh, and I just got an e-mail from Sarah that she's finished replacing the fishhooks on my Kasumi earrings with a lever back. I should have photos for you in a couple of days.
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Kamoka "Color Magic" studs arrived today. It's a rainy day and rather dark indoors but I did my best with photos. Stepped outside for one photo. One is a bit fuzzy; I can't get the focus right in the available light. I'll take a few more when the light is better.
Here is the listing:

I really like them! :)

I need to come back and read everyone's posts but I just had to stop by and say these are AMaZING! I was lusting after these but had literally just purchased dangle earrings from Kamoka. These pearls look even better in your photos. Love them!!!
Glad you like them, Sanippy! The wild blue/green color in the photo is on the side of the pearl but that means I can see it face-on. :)
Love your Hanadama BWeaves.

Battah - gorgeous new creations!

PD, you have an eye for Tahitians!
Matching up pearls is very frustrating..well I think so you noted get a colour match from one direction but not from another. I'm sure the don't look that pink on your ears and the colour difference won't show up I'm sure. They are lovely !

It's really not noticeable in real life. The color difference only jumped out at me when I put the studs away in my jewelry drawer which has a dark green velvet lining. The pink jumped out in contrast.
Thanks so much, CL and Sanippy!

BW those are lovely, and thanks for the explanation about the pinks. I think white and red and two colors with infinite shade variations that can be tricky to pair with skintone. You definitely nailed the studs!
Not my pearls, but I saw a woman on the train this morning wearing a multicolor FW strand, probably 18", and of a decent size, 9mm if I had to guess (but I'm not good at judging). She was also wearing pearl earrings. They're hard to explain, but 4 or 5 metal sticks (maybe 1-2" long) were gathered at and sticking down (like holding a bouquet of flowers upside down), and on each stick were strung 2 or 3 very small pearls, I think FW but wouldn't swear to it.

I really liked the necklace, and the whole ensemble reminded me of something someone who is a member here would swear. The necklace reminded me of a few I've seen on one of the threads here recently, maybe one of the ruckus ones, I can't remember. I don't think I've seen anything like the earrings. Anyway, she was clearly a pearl lover and I really wanted to speak to her, but she was far enough away from me that it was not possible.
And now for something completely different. I hung my Mom's mabe enhancer on a gold knit chain, and wore my Miki yellow gold huggies.

OMG, Sarah has TWO temptress ombre' necklaces on her website. Must not click the BUY NOW button. I'm perfectly happy with my Everything Bagel necklace.

Also, she has a cute little video of how the day starts at Kojima Pearls, acted out by puppets wearing pearls. It's at the bottom left of her front page.
BWeaves - you caused me to drop everything and look at the Kojima website. OMG!!! The first Temptress is hard to resist - but now TWO???
Oh, you must click on the photo of the "red shorts" in the lower left corner of Kojima's home page. They're not red shorts. It's a little video, and those are curtains hiding a little stage.

My very, very first earrings. I'll never wear them again now that I have the Hanadamas.


My first attempt at finding pearl drops. They're lovely, but not really what I wanted. Now I've bought big drops, these seem way too small to me. Pearl Shrinkage Syndrome.



I'm hoping someone on Diamond Bistro might give them some love. (I hope it's OK to say that.)
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