Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Cathy. I love your selfie! You and your pearls look lovely! I love the combo of the small blues with the big whites. I never think of combining mine like that and it looks great. Must go play in my jewelry box now.
RARELY do I do this ... but I really liked this combination, so I'm bravely sharing: Nothing better on a hot, busy 4th of July than blue & white linen, accented with white baroque akoyas, baby blue Vietnamese akoyas, and white akoya earrings accented with blue aquamarines ... which you can't see in my bad selfie ... all pearls from Jeremy, Hisano & PP.

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A beautiful woman in beautiful pearls! More selfies please :)
Congratulations on your new bundle of boy-joy. Love your pearly redos too.
Hi ladies, I have been waaaay delinquent on this thread and very behind! I've shared some pics on the Bay Area Mini Ruckus thread but wanted to cross post here.

I've put the baby octos into tandem flyer earrings! sqquueeeee they are sssoo cute!
Also want to introduce a very special new ring. Sheri had an antique art nouveau ring made with a natural Mississippi river pearl. It's too small so she graciously allowed me to rehome it. I think it is like size 3 and change? Some of you know I like BIG, I don't do anything dainty, so doubled it up with an ooooold ring from my mom that I have neglected for a long while. The style is also a bit more retro, and the woman's head reminds me of Wonder Woman, so I'm loving this new combo and wearing them a lot. This is my VERY FIRST NATURAL pearl! Wooohhhooo!!!

Today I wore the wing earrings with the ring combo set to the office!
Thank you MSC! I know you have an impressive natural pearl collection. This is my very first so extra special! Plus I LOVE it when new acquisitions just fall into place along with pre-existing family members like it is meant to be. And given my weird sizes, whenever jewelries fits me, it is that much more special! :)
Lovely mississippi river pearl ring! 3 is very small but looks great on you & your hands donlt look that tiny!!!! Lucky you. My pinky might be a 3...LOL but don;t like pinky rings.
I like white gold so it keep me from buying the older stuff that predates white gold ...guess there is always platinum but thats rare too.
Cathy I LOVE your rare selfie!!! you MUST take it more often! we are always more self-conscious than we should be with our selfies. Love your smile and glow in it!

And wait - 1 2 3 Vietnamese blue akoyas? OMG I die!!! Please post!!!!!!!!!!
Aw I don't know where to start, so, I'll say sincere THANK YOU to:
BWeaves, this was the first time I paired the tiny blue V. akoyas with the big baroque white akoyas. I didn't expect they'd nest so well, and I was so pleased ... can't wait to see what you come up with!
Cicadalady, thank you very much; blue and white is the coolest on a hot day, isn't it?
MSC: Hot summer days almost demand blue and white .... thanks :)
Newberry, I owe it all to you, my dear :)
Purranha, so true, we are our own worst fears; thank you for a good reminder. You can see my other 2 blue V. akoya strands in my thread "My Vietnamese Akoya Collection". The first, biggest round-ish strand is in the first photo, coupled with my multi-colored V. akoya strand. Next photo in that thread is my medium sized baroque akoyas Jeremy showed in an online chat; I was shouting, and on the phone to Erin pdq lol. I didn't have a photo of the tiny ones due to a computer meltdown, but captured them in this "blue & white" post. I should put them all together and take another photo. Because 2 of the strands have adjustable extender chains, I can nest them if I fiddle a bit ... sometimes I have enough patience ...

For the record, the "sly grin" and smile had everything to do with 2 dogs and 2 giggling boys in the back seat hiding out from a quick rainshower; it's surprising they didn't get in the photo lol.
American Natural Pearls in hand blown glass bottle.

American Natural Pearls in hand blown glass bottle.

In a fit of enthusiasm I put together a little item to use up the tiny natural pearls I have.


I just received a Natural Grey Akoya Necklace from Japan. It is 6.5 x 7 x 18".
I like the color and they sell pretty well. Lots of grey haired ladies . ;>)\
I placed the Tahitian for contrast.
IMG_0331Natural grey Akoya II.jpgIMG_0331Natural grey Akoya II.jpg
The little vial of pearls is so cute. What size is it? Of course it looks huge on my monitor.

I love the grey pearls, too.
I'm trying to post a photo of BB Aliya's, but I have a sinking suspicion it hasn't worked. I've mentioned I'm inept at this, right?t