Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Moneymeister, I too was eyeing those earrings! They look really lovely on you. I like the setting style and the pearl size is nice as well.

MSC, nice pearls but I must say you have the best teeth!
MSC I love those earrings! The coconut ring is really cool too.

Money! I've been eyeing those Kamoka earrings! Great job, they are gorgeous!
You long term Pearl Guide members have your own lingo! So I know what DB is...Diamond Bistro. What is LT and what is PS referenced above?

Congratulations Moneymeister! I've been eyeing those lonely Kamoka earrings for some time now; SO GLAD they went to a fellow PG lady (and Walter is so glad to lol).

Thanks. I feel the same way when jewelry stays in a relative circle.
Hubby said he'd like to meet Walter. The men of PG could start a club :)
Funny post Cathy!
Ladies, thanks for your support and kind words!
You long term Pearl Guide members have your own lingo! So I know what DB is...Diamond Bistro. What is LT and what is PS referenced above?


Pricescope has it's sister pearl forum that many of us also visit/lurk/watch (I hope it's okay to mention this forum here!). Loupe troop (LT) is also a used jewelry spot. Many of the folks that use Loupetroop use Diamondbistro too. Diamondbistro has a little better purchase system and message system (sometimes!). Loupetroop is a tighter group of folks from Pricescope (or so I feel, this impression could be wrong).
Money those are gorgeous kamoka. Enjoy them.

Msc coconut ring looks really cool. Let us know how it goes...

Today was a simple fireball pendant
Reminds me of an eggplant.

simple fireball pendant
OMG I am so far behind here ! I can't remember how many pages back I need to go ! So many gorgeous pearls !
Kalmen- beautiful pendant! Such a classy look !
Kay - That Mabe ring is wonderful..the colours! The photo of the Mabe with the stones Lordy I just want to snatch them up and run out the door ! (I'm loving the Amethyst) - Wow that necklace is great - so close to the Yoko. I like the idea of adding the rondelles..JP has good suggestions on a less expensive re-do. It would be good to try it out with the cheaper findings and see if you even like the look ..before investing in proper diamonds.
Karman- very pretty tin cup ! Isn't it great to be able to switch things around !? You did a great job !
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What a beautiful fireball. I would love to see a close up of it as well as the setting. It looks lovely on you! You wear pearls so beautifully!
So many pretties! Thank you for sharing, everyone.

I've ordered some earrings from The Pearl Society (12.7mm metallic green) to go with my Pearl Paradise oval strand from the X-mas sale. I hope they go with it at least! I'm not crazy about the settings so I'll probably get different ones. Fingers crossed that they look good with my necklace.

The Pearl Society 12.7mm metallic green

Pearl Paradise oval Tahitians
Thanks katbran and Pearly whites.
And Pearly here is the close up.
They are actually on simple eye pin and it's a pair so they can work as earrings as well.
I used a pendant enhancer to attach it to my chain.

simple eye pin and it's a pair so they can work as earrings as well.  I used a pendant enhancer to attach it to my chain.
BW and MSC--Gorgeous Tahitians!!

I finished string my ripples. I strung them with 2.5mm diamond cut beads to give them sparkle and polish. I used power pro because I knew the knots would be hidden by the beads. My husband dug up his 50 year old wood burning iron which worked amazingly well to provide a nice clean cut to the power pro. I like them with the Burmese studs as well.
 ripples strung with 2.5mm diamond cut beads using power proworn -  ripples strung with 2.5mm diamond cut beads using power proearringsEarringsEarrings worn ripples strung with 2.5mm diamond cut beads using power pro ripples strung with 2.5mm diamond cut beads with Burmese studs