Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Dew of the sun is absolutely delightful!
Ckrickett gorgeous T.

I'm still in my dangle phase... 😀

in my dangle phase
I wore my new Tahitian necklace yesterday.

wearing my new Tahitian necklace

I'm still struggling with neck shots so here it is with better light while off the neck...

my new Tahitian necklace with better light while off the neck
Annie, that's quite a stunning strand ... so colorful and bright ... Congratulations!!!
Annie, that is a BEAUTIFUL necklace.

I am wearing a necklace I made for my's leaving soon. My first attempt at a tin cup. Used 2" spacing...wish I had gone in a little closer for a 7 pearl tin cup.

Used 2 spacing for a 7 pearl tin cup
Annie, those T's are gorgeous.

MM, your sister is a lucky woman. But I agree with you. Closer spacing and more pearls next time.
Thanks and learning :)

Annie, what is the necklace length and mm? Those really are stunning with vibrant color. If you have a thread I will go find it.
The multicolor tahitians are stunning and what a beautiful variation in colors. It is absolutely beautiful!
My goodness, where to start. I just love the long dangle drops, the colorful Tahitians, the Tahitian tincup, and many more before those. Thank you for the eye candy, ladies! the necklace..gorgeous colours!!

MoneyM - If the pearls aren't large then best to have them a bit closer...but .. if you have any nice small stone beads you could work in a bead .. half way between the pearls and break up the distance a bit. Even round gold beads ... one in between each pearl...that would look nice.
I love your new strand Annie!

MM, how do you feel about using jump rings? If you get some small jump rings, you should be able to remove a few links to shorten the chain then reattach using the jump rings. Or, you can add another element in between each pearl, making the chain shorter at the same time.
MM, what a lovely gift for your Sis! If you wanted, you could shorten by removing pearls 2 & 4, cutting 1/2 inch off each side of the chain. You then only have to wire wrap the 2 pearls back in again. It would also pull up the center pearl, but still leave a nice drape. I am always fussing over the spacing; tin cup bracelets are even more difficult for me than necklaces!

Annie, perfect on you pearls!

Kalmen, love the dangle earrings, too!

All this creativity, mixing and layering is so inspiring!
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Wow, great advice ladies! Thank you! All would help. I think I will follow Pattye's quick fix. I don't have any lovely beads on hand. I am not ready for jump rings (or they are not ready for me) but I do see how they would improve the design. I appreciate your input!

Annie! Your pearls are breathetakingly beautiful. More details please!

Money, great first attempt! The necklace turned out great! I'm with you though, I prefer closer spacing.
I am back from Tucson. Bicycling, horseback riding through the beautiful and serene dessert and one day (my first) at the Tucson Gem and Mineral show. I only got through one of 46 venues.

Classics 8.5 to 9 cream WSS pearl strand which were my first pearls purchased in Kona by my then fiancé and now husband. I wore these to my wedding and love them even more today (like my husband)

8.5 to 9 cream White South Sea pearl strand which were my first pearls purchased in Konawhich were my first pearls purchased in Kona by my then fiancé and now husband I wore these to my wedding and love them even more today (like my husband)8.5 to 9 cream White South Sea pearl strand which were my first pearls purchased in Kona8.5 to 9 cream White South Sea pearl strand which were my first pearls purchased in Kona