Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Pearly-Whites I really like the look of your Riogrande strands together.

Moneymeister the freshwaters look awesome on you.

Kalmen your gold ss Keshi are stunning-- where are they from?

MSC you wear your pieces so well. Pearls do indeed go with everything!
MSC, I cannot make a proper wolf whistle (would sound more like a dog's squeal from me))) but I really like to GSS earrings!
Msc "ah wooo" my Wolf howl. Loving those gold ssp

BN I got them from Altas pearls when I was in Bali. Well actually I spotted them outside their store (they were closed) and a friend helped me to buy and brought back home a couple of weeks later.
If anyone visits bali, they have a store front in Semiyak.

Housework today! This is a South Sea white and gold baroque pearl. It is 15mm pearl with incredible luster and a very free form shape. It shades from white to gold. It has a 14k gold bail with gold trim around the neck of the pearl. I have it on a rubber chain, with gold trim, all findings from RioGrande. Sorry my pictures don't do it justice!!
Msc "ah wooo" my Wolf howl. Loving those gold ssp

BN I got them from Altas pearls when I was in Bali. Well actually I spotted them outside their store (they were closed) and a friend helped me to buy and brought back home a couple of weeks later.
If anyone visits bali, they have a store front in Semiyak.

Oh that's right, I remember the story now! Well they're gorgeous and I bet you have special memories tied in with them as well.
It's raining here, that kind of cold drab lousy rain, not the picturesque kind of rain. We're supposed to get snow, but I think we're getting gipped. I picked this WSSP pearl up via Agustus on ebay a while back with the intention of making a dangle ring with it. It ended up being too big for that, so I finally decided to set it as a pendant in silver last night. I think this is the only "white stuff" I'm going to see today.
twisted rice shape necklace
floating star necklace with 6 mm pearls

Lovely SSP pendant, pearly!
Pearly-Whites, that's a wonderful pendant! I'm fascinated by the bail with gold trim. Really cool! I'm not clear on how that works though... is the gold trim a separate piece you applied to the pearl yourself?
Yes, the bail is separate. The 14k yellow gold wire is soft or dead soft (flexible) and was secured on one end with jewelers epoxy, let dry and then wound around the neck and tucked under and glued on the other end. Thanks for the support!!
Question ladies...
I have been taking pictures with my iPhone, do you secure your phone on a tripod to steady it for in focus shots?? I have such a time staying still enough to have sharp focus.
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This is an example of how pearls that are not loved or worn can be reworked into something completely different. These started out as a 7.5 mm near round gray Tahitian pearl strand that was purchased in Hawaii nearly 20 years ago. They were "blah" and looked like something that a 12 year old would wear. I added Tahitian keishi pearls, large Tahitian baroques (up to 16mm), some white SS pearls and a few SS golden baroques. All excepting the SS goldens were sourced from Ehlert Designs which operates a store both on Ebay and Easy and the golden SS were purchased from e-store (reputable Chinese company) on Ebay. Moral of the story....if you don't like them or wear them, cut them apart!