Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Both looks are great BW! Blues ;)

Red looks like you are practicing looks for your trip :) A nice , very nice rope!
Lovely pearls, Red.

BWeaves, I always like seeing your blues, but more importantly, I am still in awe that you wove that shawl!!!
I really love that strand, PD. The baroque shapes make it seem more useable for everyday wear and also a bit edgier than your standard whites, yet large SS can definitely dress up too! Gorgeous and a smart choice as well, methinks. :)

Getting ready for an early NYE dinner out with my husband. I've been such a pearl brat lately that I just can't decide which ones to wear, further complicated by the fact that I don't "legally" own most of my new goodies until occasions throughout the year (but don't too much care!). First world problems haha!
Thanks Sea Urchin! We're headed out now for some eggplant fries at a local eatery...daughter still needs mushy food. She had all 4 wisdom teeth removed Tuesday and got a dry socket, poor kid. :(
Gorgeous Pearl Dreams! I love the baroque shapes and they look wonderful on you.

Hope your daughter recovers soon!
Speaking of PP. I wonder how the new mom is doing :)?
Thanks hanadama! I'll pass along the good wishes. :) She's still asleep--still catching up, I think, from sleep lost after surgery.

Who is the new mom, BlackPearlDudeDC?
Thanks Katbran...she is much better today, eating solid foods but still taking ibuprofen.

My H goes in for a hip replacement Thursday...he's busily reading his patient handbook and packing his bag. We planned for this...this past fall we removed the tub and had a curbless, walk-in shower put in. Our mutual Christmas gift to each other.
PD thanks for posting. It is a lovely strand. I need to find ways to just wear my white strand. Somehow I dun coz it feels formal.
Thank you all! I do love the odd shapes. I don't put on my round whites nearly as often as my baroques and drops (of any color.)
Thanks Katbran...she is much better today, eating solid foods but still taking ibuprofen.

My H goes in for a hip replacement Thursday...he's busily reading his patient handbook and packing his bag. We planned for this...this past fall we removed the tub and had a curbless, walk-in shower put in. Our mutual Christmas gift to each other.

Smart move with the shower! I know lots that have been through the Hip Replacement - other that a pretty ordinary first few days the recovery is generally not too bad. Certainly heaps easier than the knee replacement recovery. So best of luck for a smooth ride! And I'm glad your daughter is doing better !
Holidays are finished, back to work! I was wearing my freshwater strand today)

White Freshies.JPG
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