Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Thanks guys!! The wing and two smaller pearls are River pearls and the center pearl on the necklace is a mystery. Not sure about the pearl on the ring, I assume it's an akoya since it was my grandmother's ring (by murata pearls, which I admittedly know nothing about)
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Today is my white with silver overtones SSP strand from PP, along with white SS keshi drops by little h.

white with silver overtones SSP strand from Pearl Paradise, along with white SS keshi drops by little h
JerseyPearl, what a great look! I never thought of using two different colored ropes doubled in front to make a necklace. Looks like am going to be playing with existing pearl ropes today to see if I can get the same look as yours.

Katbran, lovely dangle earrings.
JP, I hadn't gotten that far into the mechanics of how to manage the clasps. I had two Tahitian ropes in mind, but as I recall, they are slightly different lengths. Even if I use a connector, the clasp wouldn't sit on the center of my neck (sigh). I'll just have to stop feeding DH and family and buy more pearls.
Kat, those new earrings you made look FANTASTIC!!!!

JP -- Thank you !! I have to say I'm loving them ! Wore them to a small charity thing yesterday and got lots of remarks and an offer to buy LOL I've kept them ..for now.. But. I've never worn looong earrings before and was pleased they were comfortable. It's a bit of a prototype as I wasn't sure how the weight would go ..but with 12mm Edison's they were fine. I've done a shorter version on wire with long skinny white drops ..waiting for glue to dry. We shall see what they looks like . I need to improve my selfie photography..they don't look shiny and they are ! Haha

MSC - loving the look ! Really interesting pearls !

Luvglitz- thanks very much !!

Red - beautiful WSS - I think the size is quite perfect !! And I love the colour ! Perfection all around !
Wow, I haven't visited this thread for a while, and drooling over all the beauty I missed!
MSC, love your river pearls, and Katbran lovely earrings! Red, stunning wss strand, and JP love that combo! All stunning!!!
MSC I missed your post earlier. I love your ring and tin cup. I'm so intrigued by your mystery pearl!
I've been saving pearls for a necklace but last night I decided to string them into a bracelet to wear while I collect the rest. It still needs tidying up but here are a few snaps!

Tahitian bracelet
Tahitian bracelet on carved shell
Tahitian bracelet worn
Hanadama, gorgeous pearls particularly with your skintone. Love the picture of the pearls on the shell.
I love the bracelet and the shell. It looks great on your wrist, too, but that shell!