Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Luvglitz - totally jealous of you in that strand!

Baby nurse - I agree with PD. Those shapes are great!
Baby Nurse, I love pastel Tahitians, and yours are really stunning. Great color top with the pearls, too.
Beautiful, BN! I really like those colors with your top.
Luvglitz your gssp are wonderful !
BN I love your pastel Tahitians, saw those on the PP blog
Prison Stripes Today with Silver Tahitian rope

Prison Stripes Today with Silver Tahitian rope

Prison stripes for me today but adorned with my silver baroque rope of Tahitians. The rope is 32" with circled baroque pearls and the largest pearl is about 11"by 13". I have included the awful vendor picture which I found in my files.

Prison Stripes Today with Silver Tahitian rope
Gorgeous, Luvglitz! LOL to prison stripes. :)

Fall weather has not made its way here yet but I decided to go with fall colors today anyway. My GSS (16.5mm) ring seems to like dark red.

I posted this on the other forum and usually go back and forth but it's quiet over there lately.

Does anyone else wear knuckle rings? I'm slow to pick up on new trends (therefore, they're probably not really new!) but I think they're kind of fun.

GSS (16.5mm) ring
Golden South Sea pearl (16.5mm) ring
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Sea Urchin, what a gorgeous ring with your golden SS pearl. The dark red nails really compliment the pearl and gold rings.
The knuckle rings look great on you, but I'd lose them in a quick minute.


I cannot get this pendant to photograph well. The druzy (both the black and the white piece) and the diamonds are super sparkly, and the button pearl is satiny.
Ditto for losing rings, but the whole ensemble looks great.
Also love the BWeavers combo. Black and white with two tone metal is grand.
Beautiful, luxurious silver Tahitians, Luvglits!

SeaUrchin, your gss ring is so lovely, and works beautifully with the knuckle rings!

BW, lovely look!